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After what had happened earlier, I decided to take a nap, in hopes that pain would pass.

I was peacefully sleeping when I feel something cover my mouth, my eyes darted open, only to see Cal covering my mouth with his hand. I was about to yell at Cal but brought his index finger up to his lips, to inform me to remain quiet. After I gave him a small nod, Cal slowly removes his hands from my lips.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked in a hushed tone, "There is someone else in the house" Cal answered, Suddenly we heard footsteps approaching.

Cal grabbed my hand then quickly pulled me out of bed, he opened the closet door and got in, and pulled me in front of him. I grab onto the doorknob and quietly pulled it shut, abruptly we heard the door open.

I began to back away from the door, only to realize the small space in the closet. My back was pressed up against Cal's hard body, I was about to move forward but Cal brought his hand up and wrapped it around my waist, I look down at his hand and saw that he was holding a gun.

There was a guy in my room, he was looking around before setting his eyes on the closet. As the mysterious figure proceeded further towards us, I could feel my body tense and my throat beginning to lock.

I close my eyes and say a small prayer to myself, suddenly I hear the closet door open which was followed by a loud bang.

A loud yelp evade my lips due to the sudden sound, my eyes fluttered open to see the mystery man on the ground while bleeding out. I quickly step out of the closet and stood aside from the body, Cal walks out of the closet and kneels beside the man.

"Why are you here?" Cal asked, the man opened his mouth to respond but he began choking on his blood. Cal grabbed the intruder's body and held his head up before asking once more "Why are you here".

"They s-sent me here, to k-kill you," the guy said shakily, "Who? Who sent you here to kill me?" Cal asked.

"The.........D-Disciples" the man spoke faltering.

The intruder's eyes fluttered close and the hold of his body slowly faded away, for he is dead.

"Come on, we've been here long enough," Cal said before pushing past me, I follow Cal out the door and down the stairs. "Who are The Disciples?" I asked.

"We have to leave now," Cal said as he grabbed a jacket from the coat rack, "Where are we going? Answer me" I hissed.

"Back to Russia," Cal said calmly, "I'm not going back there, at least not without my best friend," I said. "Yes, you are," Cal said.

"No, I'm not, what you're gonna tase me again?" I asked, "Don't think I won't" Cal warned. I scoffed before pushing past him and opening the door, I walk towards the car and open the driver's door. I sit inside and waited until Cal got in, he opened the door and sat in the passenger seat next to me.

"Why are you in the driver's seat? You don't have a key" Cal said, I open my hand and revealed the keys to the car. "How did you get the keys?" Cal asked.

"I swiped it from your jacket when I pushed past you," I said before inserting the key into the slot and turning it, starting the car.

"Pretty sweet trick," Cal said, "Who knows, you might like my other tricks," I said, I then press on the accelerator gradually and shift the gear stick to neutral. I repeatedly press harder on the gas pedal, causing the needle on the tachometer will start moving higher but not pass the red line, revving the car.

"I know a thing or two about cars," I said proudly.

"Hm, just my type of woman," Cal said while looking forward, "Does this mean you trust me now?" I asked. "Don't push it" Cal said.

"Worth a try," I mumbled before shifting the car into drive.

I drove the car through the tall open black gates and pull onto the road, I didn't know where I was so of course I had to take direction from Cal.

"So, are you gonna tell me who The Disciples are or not," I asked as I continued to drive. "They are another Mafia organization, Dion is the capo, Tobias is underboss while Alister is the don," Cal said.

"What do they want from you?" I asked,

"Money, They're like me, their mafia organization was handed down to them but only because their father, who was the past leader died. They have the power but I have the money" Cal stated.

"What kind of power?" I asked, "They have control over some of the highest levels of government, but that kind of power doesn't generate a shit ton of money. However, I control most of the illegal drug trades, prostitution, illegal gambling, etc in certain parts of Russia" Cal explained.

"Of course you do," I whispered, " Well we all can't be doctors can we darling" Cal said. "So what are you gonna do about them?" I asked. "I don't know yet but when I do, I won't hesitate to get the job done," Cal declared.

And with that said, I ended the conversation. We've been driving in silence for a while now but that's about to go away, for I have finally arrived at my house.

"You have two minutes to get your best friend and what you need, don't try anything funny" Cal announced. "Two minutes got it," I said as I unbuckled my seat belt. I open the door and quickly exited the car, I then close the door and flee to my front door, which thanks God was open.

I open the door and see Claudia sitting on the couch, she quickly snaps her head towards the door and makes eye contact with me. "Yelèna?" Claudia asked, I quickly rushed over to Claudia and embraced her in a tight hug.

"Where the hell we're you? You were missing for about 3 days now!" Claudia exclaimed, "I know and I'm sorry but you gotta gather your stuff and get ready to leave," I said.

"What, why?" Claudia asked, I was about to answer but was cut off when I saw Cal walk through the front door, Claudia looks at me strangely before following my eyes to the door and seeing Cal.

"I thought you said I had two minutes?" I said, "Yeah well I changed my mind," Cal said, " You're dating a murderer!?" Claudia exclaimed.

"No," Cal and I said at the same time, " Let's go, now!" Cal said, I quickly grab onto Claudia's hand and drag her out of the house, she was asking a bunch of questions but I ignored them and kept walking to the car.

I open the car door then shove Claudia in the passenger seat. Cal is now sitting in the driver's seat so I have no other choice but to sit in the passenger seat.

Cal started the car and began driving to God knows where while Claudia is still asking questions. " Did he kidnap you?" Claudia asked.

"Yup" I answered, "You have a very talkative friend Yelèna," Cal said. "Yeah I know," I said. "Hey, Cal you got a brother?" Claudia asked.

"Really Claudia," I said, "What? He's hot" Claudia whispered. "I don't have a brother but I do have a friend you might like," Cal said. "Claudia stop talking, Cal keep your eyes on the road," I said frustrated.

"Okay, m'lady" Cal said with a huge smirk plastered to his face.

These two are gonna be the death of me.

His Sovereignty: A Mafia's Obsession| To Be ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now