Chapter 2

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"Do we really have to?" the man frowned. The last thing he needed to muddy up his schedule was a silly little event for the town.

"It's to promote our business, Jasper," Ashley rolled her eyes. She always seemed to abhor him lately. They used to be close when they were younger, but now all she was just irritated by his very existence.

He was used to it. It was obvious that it was an act of jealousy. She had to work so hard and long to get their father to trust her with the business. Jasper put in just as much work, but, of course, at a younger age. Many people were jealous of his intelligence. That came with his level of genius.

"It's an interview with a miniscule newspaper for the college," he argued. "The fact that this is already taking up so much time discussing such a useless event proves my point further."

"It's meant to put our name out to the locals that we are safe and a great company," Ashley's rebuttal was formed in a sigh. "This city has a history of locals that like to know what their companies do, and whether it is safe or not. By doing this interview, we promote that our business is good."

"We can easily prove that through our products alone."

"You just don't get it," his sister shook her head. Her black hair was put into a nice bun that had some strands out to shape her face. He always liked that look on her. It made her look both down to earth and professional, which allowed her to be easily approachable to the underlings. It was the best way to keep the workflow going when there was clear communication. And that was her specialty. Jasper absolutely hated communicating to the ones below him. That was why he hated this idiotic interview that their father was forcing them to do.

Jasper sighed.

"It's a psychological event based off from a social norm of society that raises the company's reputation of the smaller community. By growing our reputation as an approachable and down to earth business to the smaller community, we create loyal customers that will spread the word and increase the output of our products."

"That's the longer explanation," she nodded. "Yes. Now will you just say that you'll do it already so we can stop this pointless debate and get back to work?"

"I still don't think we need to do something like this," Jasper rolled his eyes this time. "However, I suppose I don't really have a choice."

"Excuse me," a man came up to them. The smile he had went all the way up to his caramel brown eyes. "Sorry to interrupt."

"Oh, that's fine," Ashley waved the excuse off. "We were just finishing our discussion anyway. What is it you're seeing us for, Will?"

This must be his sister's new assistant or something. As much as he was focused on work, he couldn't help but admire the man. He stood out with a tuff of soft brown hair and a bright look. It might be fun having him around as a new assistant, especially if he had to go through this dreadful interview.

As much as he was intelligent, and liked to focus on his work and knowledge, he had to find some outlet for those stressful days. His poison of choice just so happened to be men. That was another thing that his sister seemed to hate him for. He always got what he wanted. And it wasn't just given to him on a golden platter. No. He worked for what he wanted.

It wasn't his fault if those men didn't stay in his bed. He wasn't going to find anyone permanently when he there were so many resources that the world had.

"Oh, I was just coming to tell the both of you that the reporters for the Amor College Newspaper are here to see you."

"I'm sure they're not the only ones," Jasper smiled at him. No one could resist his smile. As soon as this new assistant looked at him, he gave him a playful wink. Those caramel eyes looked confused, then a bit uncomfortable as they looked around the room.

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