Chapter 59

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This was probably the most that they had done for a case in a long time. Will smiled as he walked down the streets. He had missed running around for work. The worry over it was exciting, and the reward was great.

He just wished that he could get Benny to see that.

"What's the whole point of one of your arrows, if they don't do anything!" the blond exploded on the other side of the streets. Will was catching up to them pretty fast, actually. He was just close enough to see the cotton candy eyes light like a match.

"You know it's not all fast acting," Justin scoffed, folding his arms. His minty eyes were just as animated as his friend. They complimented his tan skin. "The worst kinds are the arrows that work slowly to punish. I mean, look at all the issues that the cupid arrows do."

"At least ours actually work!" Benny huffed. Then he threw both of his hands towards the house that they were in front of. "I mean, who's to say you couldn't have prevented that?! We almost lost Damien!"

"Now you're just being dramatic," Justin rolled his eyes. All it took was one glance behind them to see Will coming up behind them. He waved as the brunette finally crossed the street. "We weren't going to lose Damien."

"How do you know?!" Benny put his hands in his hair, this close to pulling it out. "His case screamed danger, and a lack of mental health!"

He had been so worried about this specific thing. The last thing that Benny wanted to do was cause someone to go through a downward spiral. And Damien was already showing signs of depression. Benny just never knew how far his resilience was to it.

"I agree with you on that," Justin said. "But Damien has the one thing that most suicidal people don't."

"What's that?"

"People who care," he answered, his anger wavering a bit as he looked towards the house. "And are aware of his mental issues. It doesn't have to be a full understanding. I'm sure he hasn't even told his cousin. But it's easy to tell that quite a lot of them know that he's not doing well right now."

That was why they had all went to look for him. It was nice to see them all get together. Even people that hadn't talked to Damien that much. His cousin's boyfriend had gotten his whole family to help look. And all of his friends were there at a drop of a dime.

It was enough to really make him smile. Justin was finally started to get why everyone loved this city so much. They all seemed to come together when they really needed to. He could only imagine how many people's lives were saved just because of this strange population of talkative souls that had nothing better to do other than sit next to whatever pour sap was looking sad that night.

"I still think your arrow was a dud," Benny pouted. He couldn't believe that Damien's own parents, who had raised and loved him for his whole life and had tried to be a part of his life so much, would just cut him off. Faster than a scammer to the FBI, they just disappeared out of thin air.

"Eh," Larry shrugged. "I still think this was the best thing that could have happened." Then he looked over to Will, pointing at the cup in his hand. "Is that beer?"

"Pretty good, too," Will winked, handing it to him. "They really changed the way that they make it." It was so different from the beer in his time. It was a good thing that cupids couldn't get drunk off from this kind of drink. Only the alcohol in the office could work on their great metabolisms. And that was only taken out on special occasions. Will missed drinking, mainly for the parties and laughter that they brought.

Benny paused for a second to take in everything that had just been said. He had so many questions, it wasn't even funny. And watching Will act completely normal about this...well, that shouldn't be surprising to Benny, but he was still shocked for a minute or two.

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