Chapter 12

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Well, it was worth a shot at least. Damien was wondering why he would just give him the laptop right at the beginning. He was thinking about staying and trying to see this through since he had gone through the effort of getting ready for this silly thing.

And then the guy had to start talking. He spoke like a prestigious dirtbag, and it all it did was make Damien annoyed.

And now he was getting blackmailed again to go to this stupid date with him. He just couldn't win, could he?

Damien could have tried to call his bluff. A part of him really wanted to. But the way that Jasper looked at him when he called out his pen name scared him a bit. He could be bluffing, but Damien also knew that the man didn't really have anything to lose if he did put his real name out there. It wasn't like he had anything to use to his defense. All it would take was him telling a few of his fans and it could blow up.

His parents already knew about Silver Cross, they just didn't know that he was the man behind the name. They thought he was a horrible author that wrote atrocities, and they weren't entirely wrong. Damien went under the pen name because he didn't want people putting a face to the words he wrote. I mean, who would when all you write is smut and fucked up endings?

There was another reason why he didn't want his parents to find out, but he didn't want to get into that. Even thinking about that could somehow summon them and then they could easily drag Damien all the way back to Germany.

And, if you think they couldn't, they could. Damien was on an educational visa, and his parents were the ones who paid the rest of the fees that he had for that college.

So yeah, he was fucked.

"We'll drive in my car," Jasper said, leading him out of the shop. Damien really wished that the owner was in that day. It could have saved him from this a little if he heard Jasper yell in the crowd of people waiting for their order.

Bold of you to think I have a car.

"What do you think?" the man smirked as they got to the car. Damien couldn't tell what kind it was. He wasn't exactly a car person. It didn't help that he didn't even have a license. It was expensive to get that in Germany, and the test was extremely difficult. He already had enough tests to stress out about. He wasn't going to think about setting himself up for another one to fail.

"It's a car," Damien shrugged.

"Just a car?" Jasper's hard act faltered for a second. "That's it?"

Oooo, now this could be fun. Did he really think that Damien was going to fawn over him after seeing a car? Did people do that all the time here? Or maybe it was just to him or something. Damien wouldn't be surprised if they fawned over him because of that, though. People always try and hit on the ones who have money. They think they can get free shit or something. Most of them can if they talk with them enough.

But it's not exactly free if you sleep with them. That's just selling your body.

"That's it," Damien said, smiling at the man's surprise. He got in the car and slipped into the seats. "A car's a car."

"But it's an expensive car."


"Well," Jasper got into the driver's side, the car turning on with the press of a button. "I would have thought that a writer like yourself would have come up with a better way of wording it."

"Maybe I just don't care about your car," he folded his arms as the vehicle glided through the streets. Sure, this might be better than the bus, but he wasn't going to turn into a fanboy over a car that most likely put him in more debt than the impressive glances he got.

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