Chapter 25

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Author's Note: Hi! I'm up here just so this doesn't wind up confusing some of you. I had taken the original chapter 25 down in order to revise it. So, just in case you read this and think it's slightly familiar, now you know why. Most of it is still the same, but I did add something more fun to the end of this chapter that I think wraps it up a little better. It just felt like it was missing something.

Before I let you guys get into this, I wanted to give a shoutout to @Korghe who had helped me realize that this chapter needed some revisions. Last week wasn't one of my good weeks, and I didn't realize it had affected my writing until this chapter popped up. 

If there's anything to remember, guys, it's that I will always accept your feedback, no matter what. Thanks for any votes and comments! I'll see you all soon!


Benny opened the door back to the breakroom, his head hung low. Of course, things just couldn't go his way. No matter how much reason he tried to give the boss, he just wouldn't listen to him. He shouldn't be surprised, though. The boss never wanted to listen to the likes of him. Will had convinced him one time, but that was different.

That involved risking something that Benny was too afraid to do.

He didn't understand why the boss thought that it was worth continuing on with this case, though. It was a dumpster fire waiting to happen. Actually, no, it already happened. But, for some reason, the boss was just enjoying the chaos of it, poking that very fire with a stick as the winds of time made it grow greater.

"I'm guessing all didn't go well?" Will looked over to his partner curiously. He had worked in the department long enough to know that there was a slim chance that the boss would actually hear their pleas. If he so much saw a tiny sliver of a chance, he was going to wait it out until the end. His brother, who was the boss of the anticupds, was the only one who could reel him back in on certain cases.

That or his family. Will was sure that his family could convince him of certain things. Such was the life of a god, he supposed.

"There's no way," Justin shook his head. "No way on earth that your boss is just going to let this toxicity happen."

Benny didn't reply. All he did was lay on the closest couch as if it was his own bed, burying his face in one of the pillows. His groans were muffled, but they could still be heard by the rest of the room.

"You've got to be kidding me," Justin looked in utter shock at his friend, knowing full well what that groan was supposed to mean. "He's seriously going to allow this?!"

"Told you," Larry leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "There was no way he was going to pass up on this bit of drama."

"There's always a reason to his answers," Suzy said, her voice small yet calming. Will always thought she sounded like a mother trying to calm all her children down at once. He was sure that was just how she acted around her children and grandchildren when she was a mortal. "Sometimes you just don't know the reason until later."

"Hogwash," Benny said, moving his mouth so that it wasn't muffled anymore. "There's no way that anything good can come from these two getting closer. This was all my fault, and now both Will and I are doomed!"

"I don't think it's that bad, Benny," Will patted his shoulder.


"Well, for one," he smiled. "He does actually seem to be changing a bit."

"Don't remind me," Benny groaned again. "He already showed me enough of that."

"Oh, that was gold!" Larry said, looking as excited as a sports fan when the team got a touchdown. "You know how long it's been since Jasper's apologized to his sister?"

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