Chapter 36

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He was trapped. And not in the good way.

Well, he guessed that it was supposed to be the good way, but not when he was trying to take things slow. Damien almost forgot that Jasper had come over. He wouldn't have even fallen asleep with all the coffee that he drank normally. His body probably just shut down from exhaustion, making him sleep the morning away. It happened at least once a week. He never liked sleep, nor could he ever seem to get enough of it.

And of course, last night had to be the night that his brain decided that no caffeine in the world was going to stop it from shutting off. It didn't even give him a chance to tell Jasper to leave or that he was going to sleep for the night. He had been so engrossed in writing his story, finally getting inspired to get out the one novel that had been haunting him.

This one had still taken him the longest to write. He even had to take breaks on it, writing other stories in the middle of it. It wasn't normal, which made him more frustrated about the story. For once, the characters just didn't want to show themselves fully to him just yet. But the night before just opened the floodgates of words for it. Maybe it was just because he was so annoyed with his family that it just unleashed the hell that his characters went through. He just wished that he could have finished it. But what was first words appearing on the screen quickly turned into dreams.

And now he was on his little couch, curled up with a man who was way too big to be crunched up in such a small position.

Sam was going to kill him. If he found out about this, he was going to lose it. They were supposed to be taking it slow.

Damien groaned and went to rub his eyes. At this point, who wasn't going to kill him? He still didn't explain to Opie what had happened to Jasper. He didn't get a chance to the day before. They were too occupied trying to get his dad to get along with his uncle.

He hadn't even seen the true man that his dad would hate to realize was here. Uncle Manfred and him had gotten into a nasty fight, to which Dieter had gotten in the middle of. They picked sides, like every family does, of course, and that settled it. As far as why Dieter and Manfred lived together, that was mainly because they both had gained their citizenship through working in the military in America.

And, well, a lot of shit happens when you have bombs flying at you. Damien didn't blame them one bit. They were each other's family for a long time.

He just kind of wanted to be a part of it.

His mind was about to pull him back into his unconscious, much too sluggish and comfortable to care about the consequences of his position. There was just something about being held that calmed his soul. Like having a bunch of pillows around. He had always wondered what it was like to be held. It was something he always dreamt of and wrote about, but was never able to actually experience. He didn't realize how nice it was.

Until that body started to move, and those hands started having the opposite effect on his mind.

He should have complained and slapped those hands away, trying to get out of his grasp, but the slick fiend was too quick. As soon as those hands went under his shirt to rub his sides, and he gasped, his lips met his.

And now he was very, very awake. This was better than caffeine, he swore. He didn't push him away, not like he did the first time. This time was different than when the man was trying to force him into bed with him. Those lips weren't demanding, just...

He didn't know...

For once, he had no words. His mind was blank as he focused on the sensations that he had never dared to have in all his years. The man's tongue felt so foreign, exploring his mouth. He didn't realize just how much he would enjoy such a thing. There were so many things that he just thought were for the books and the television screen. He didn't know just how real these feelings could be.

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