Chapter 9

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"Blackmail," Suzy shook her head. "That's not a good start, Will."

Suzy was in the breakroom with them this time as they caught her up on what their current case was. She was another cupid that they had befriended long ago. With short black hair and dark skin, she reminded everyone of a chocolate kiss. And she was just as sweet as one.

"Well, Solomon and Nico didn't have the best starts," Will told her. "And look how they turned out."

He was really trying to keep Benny confident. This was the first time that the blond had made the final decision in one of their cases since they finally got back up on their feet and Will could see that his partner was getting more nervous as time went on.

"Nico seems like a saint compared to this man," Justin said, his mint green eyes staring angrily at the screen. "Who blackmails someone into going out with them? Is he that pathetic?"

Justin wasn't exactly a cupid. With a broken heart symbol on the shoulder of his sleeve, Justin represented the Anticupids that brought revengeful love. Their departments worked closely with one another, but there were also times in which they worked a little too closely. The whole reason that the Last Chance cases were created was so not everyone who hurt someone had to have bad luck with love the rest of their lives. It gave them a chance to change and fall in love with someone that they could be with for a long time.

That being said, a lot of those clients wound up failing their test and going over to the anticupid's department anyway.

"Oh yeah, he is," Larry said, stuffing his mouth with more popcorn. "Jasper's an asshole, through and through. Gives that sister of his a hard time about everything, especially her two marriages that didn't even end because of her."

Larry had been hopping around from category to category with cases. They hadn't found a specific area that they wanted him in just yet, so he just took whatever they threw his way. He had a few Last Chance cases just a couple months ago. Those didn't go well at all, honestly. He didn't know how Will and Benny got so lucky. At least their Last Chance cases were entertaining. He just got the ones that didn't even want to try.

Right now, though, he was on a Closed Heart case, and he had learned a lot about Jasper while looking into Ashley's life. The two of them used to be really close, actually. He had seen pictures of when they were little and how they would always play with each other with big smiles on their faces. Now, they were still close. But it was weird. It was like they wanted to be close to each other like when they were younger, but they just didn't know how.

And Jasper needed to get his head out of his own ass.

"I know I've asked this before," Justin said, frowning at the screen as they watched Jasper inhaling the words on that silver laptop. "But why do they give assholes like him a second chance?"

Justin still thought that this guy should be in their department. With how he treated both men and women, he shouldn't even be pondered for having a heart. All Justin could see was a black void. But the guy was way too entranced by what he was reading, it made him curious. Was the story that good? Good enough to keep him glued to the screen, barely looking at his phone or talking to his friends?

And just what kind of books were these? He felt like he missed a part of this case by coming in late.

"Everyone deserves at least a chance, dear," Suzy put a hand on his shoulder. The woman was from 1955 and she sure acted like the sweetest little housewife you ever met. "Even if they seem cold and cruel on the outside."

"Besides," Will nudged his partner. "I think Benny made a good choice in pairs, even with it starting off a bit bumpy."

"I still think this is going to go down in flames by a week at most," Benny rubbed his face. He hated that he was the one that had to choose. Not only were they both really young, which he sucked at dealing with, but they both were dramatic to boot. He was kind of egging on the fact that both were dramatic and could fight back if need be, but he just didn't have that good of a feeling about this now. And that worry was only getting worse the longer this went on.

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