Chapter 54

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"Is it over yet?" Kimi asked, collapsing into the table. Her short hair came with her, bouncing with her movements.

"I wish," Damien groaned. "I still have one more to go, and it's my worst class yet."


"Worse," he told her. "Calculus."

"That's nothing," Kaiden came up to their table, setting his bag down. "I've still got two left, and one is going to be five hours."

"Five hours?!"

"Two hours for the paper test," he put up two fingers. "The other three for the lab. I'm going to be buried Chemistry by the end of it."

"Remind me to never take chemistry," Kimi muttered to herself. "I have a hard enough time just trying to pass my history classes."

"Classes?" Damien asked. "As in: plural?"

"Yeah," she gave a pained smile. "The perks of going into cultural studies. The cool parts are learning about different places and religions. The worst parts are the tests and the reading."

"You probably aren't even that bad at it," Damien shook his head. Most of the people in that school were brilliant. Even Kimi. She acted like an adorable cinnamon roll, and seemed a bit naïve, but she knew quite a lot when you got her talking about a religion or country. She loved learning about different groups of people.

"I mean I can remember everything when I'm just talking to someone about it," Kimi groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. "But whenever there are tests, my mind just draws a blank. And these finals don't give me a break to relax."

"Why don't you just hang out with Yitzak after this?" Kaiden asked. "That always seems to cheer you up."

"Ooo!" She immediately brightened up as soon as he mentioned that, her eyes going back to sparkling. "Is he going to come and pick you up today? Or is he going to be at the café?"

"Café," Kaiden smirked. "Someone called out, so he's working a double today."

"I hope he's able to do it," Damien frowned. "That sounds tough."

"He likes doing it," he shrugged. "His boss is good to him at least. It's better than most jobs that you get right out of school."

"We should all go and see him today then!" Kimi said, bouncing. She was a chubby girl, but it just made her look cuter. Damien swore that she could attract everyone towards her just by her smile. It was her weird attitude that made the normal ones back away cautiously.

It made Damien realize just how much he liked being weird with them.

"Sounds good to me," Kaiden agreed. "I don't have any plans."

"What about you and your boyfriend?" Damien asked. "Didn't he take like a whole week off just to be with you after your finals?"

"That's after this week," Kaiden told him, sighing. "And that's not just so that he can be with me."

"What is it, then?"

"He wants me to meet his parents," he looked down at the table.

"Aww!" Kimi squealed. "That means that he really thinks that you two are serious! That's so cute!"

"I'd rather take a final for forty-eight hours straight and no breaks," Kaiden shook his head.


"Because," he groaned. "They don't know that he's gay. And he doesn't want to come out to them just yet."

"Wait," Damien stopped him, more confused than a monkey with a fake banana. "Why does he want you to meet them, if he's not going to come out to them?"

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