Chapter 49

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"To be fair," Larry put a hand in the air.

"Oh, please don't start," Justin sighed, rubbing his head. He couldn't take all of this aggravation in one sitting. It was going to make him explode.

"Come on," Will said, shuffling a deck of cards at the table. "Let's play another round."

He had been having a grand old time beating them all in black jack and poker. They didn't know how he knew how to play, but the man was too good. As soon as he mentioned that, they all groaned. This couldn't be the way that this case was going to end. It was going to be a catastrophe, and end them up in more trouble than ever before.

But Will was an optimistic person, so he tried not to dwell on the negativity. After all, that never did anyone any good.

"All I was going to say was that I understand Jasper's reaction," Larry shrugged.

"Should I even egg on this conversation?" Justin asked, pinching his nose. All of this could have been prevented if he just stayed in the damn room for the night. He could have tried to come to terms with it all in the morning or afterwards.

"They just started officially dating like two weeks ago!" Larry put his hands towards the screen. "Damien already confessing his love to him would be shocking to any normal person."

"It's not just that," Suzy shook her head, looking at the screen. "Damien shouldn't have just assumed that Jasper had left. He could have at least tried to call him or something. For all he knows, Jasper could have been in the bathroom."

"Point #2," Larry said. "I think Damien was more at fault for this one. I mean, Jasper was only gone for an hour or two."

"You forget Damien's background," Will mentioned, still shuffling the deck with precision. "With a family like his, it makes him prone to either falling in love, or rejecting it fast. He's a bit touch starved."

"Poor baby's going to take a while before he recovers from this if their relationship doesn't get fixed fast," Suzy said. "I can already see it in his eyes. He's going to close his heart if it takes any longer."

"Jasper's still trying to find him," Will said. "It can still get fixed, potentially. But it's going to take a lot for him to get through to Damien."

"This has got to be the trickiest case you two have gotten," Justin sighed. "I'm getting a headache just thinking about all the trouble involved in this."

"This goes beyond a headache," a voice finally made itself known, in the depths of the dark corners of the breakroom. There, in that exact corner which wasn't too far from their own area that they sat at watching the television, stood a specific blond that had been silent for a good while.

"You okay there, Benny?" Will raised an eyebrow, looking over to him.

"No," he shook his head.

He walked closer to them all, coming out of the shadows to show them all just how many times he had ran his own hands through his hair. It was a mess, along with those blue and pink swirls that were his eyes. Then he took one look at the screen and then back to all of them, clapping his hands as he spoke.

"This. Is why. I hate. Young love cases!" He started, looking like a volcano that just erupted. "It's always this way! Everything's too fast, nothing ever stopped and processed. There's no time for rationality with Young Love! It's all drama. It's the same as the cases that I had that were all high schoolers! One mistake and the whole relationship is ruined, along with the trust."

"Not all of them are this dramatic," Larry chuckled. "Although this does make things more entertaining."

"Most of them are," Benny said. "They never know how to make things work out; how to stop and think about the situation rather than automatically believing the first thought that comes out of their minds! And who can blame him?" he motioned towards the screen that showed a very tired Damien, walking into the café. "They're all stuck in this romanticized view of love, because they've never seen what real love is!"

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