Chapter 50

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"Please just listen to me," Jasper pleaded. The last thing he wanted was for Damien to think that he had just done all of that just to get him to bed. He hadn't been planning on any of that. It just happened. He would have been just as happy if they decided not to stay at his place, or done all of those things.

"Will you let go of me at least?"

"Not if you're just going to run away," Jasper said, holding him tighter. He had no clue where he was when he had left. He had tried his dorm a thousand times. But Jasper was smart enough to know that he would still be on campus. Damien wasn't one to miss out on his finals. Especially since he had spent so long studying for them. Jasper knew just how hard he worked, because he had spent enough nights of watching him write and study.

He was really good at his work, even just for school. It was amazing to watch him write an essay and edit it within two or three hours. He was a mastermind when it came to sentence flow and getting a point across. But he was sure if he told Damien right then, he wouldn't listen. He was deaf to compliments as it was.

"Jasper," Damien squirmed in his hold again, obviously uncomfortable. "There's more people coming."


"And I'm not having them walk up and see us in a hallway like this," Damien complained. "Let's just go to my dorm, okay?"

"On one condition," he told him.

"What?" he could practically see that frown of irritation on Damien's face just from that voice alone. It reminded him of all the times he teased the man. It was always adorable, even when Jasper was in the deep end right then.

"You don't shut the door on me," he told him.

"You really think I'd do that?"

"Without a doubt."

"Jasper!" Damien whined. "Let me go!"

"Promise me," he told him.

"Only if you promise that you'll leave me alone after this."

"I don't want to leave you alone, Damien," Jasper frowned at that. "I'm sorry for leaving you in the room, okay? I promise I don't want you to leave."

"Then you shouldn't have just used me like a damn toy."

"I didn't mean to, Damien."

"Then why did you leave?" Damien had somehow managed to get out of his arms at that point. Instead of running, though, he turned to look at him, his face red with anger. "Why did you not say anything. And, instead of talking to me about whatever you were feeling, just leave me in your room? After what you tried to do the first time I went there, do you really think I would just think that you were going to come back at all?"

"I wasn't going to leave you," Jasper told him. "I just needed some fresh air, Damien."

"Why?" he asked, walking with him towards his dorm. He seemed to be a bit calmer now, which made him a little less tense. "Was I too much or something?"

"I just needed to think," he said. "To clear my head."


"Because," he shook his head, frustrated. "I needed to sort out my emotions." It seemed as if the more he talked the less he could get his point across. While work made talking frankly and to the point easy, this made it feel like a labyrinth.

"You weren't sure that you loved me, did you?"

"It's not a word that I use frequently," Jasper told him, feeling more exposed than he had in the past. He wasn't used to being this accessible. Especially not when it came to his feelings. "I wanted to make sure that I did for sure before I said it back."

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