Chapter 45

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Author's Note: !!!SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING!!! You guys! I never thought we would ever get to this point, but it's finally here for these two! This chapter is a bit of fluff at the beginning though, but I did want to give this warning for the last half of this chapter. While I normally go with something new for sex scenes, Damien's just a little too pure, even though he might not write like he is. Either way, I hope you all enjoy these two finally getting to the next stage of their relationship.

Just don't hate me for the ending, lol.

Thanks for the votes and comments! I'll see you all soon with another chapter!


"I don't understand," he looked up from the man's laptop, awe-struck. "This story is the loveliest I've ever read. It's enough to hook anyone in, with a gentleness that makes the ready long to turn the page again and again. Why don't you write like this anymore?"

They had a long day out going to stores and having fun. Jasper never had enjoyed going out for a whole day with someone until he met Damien. The blond somehow made him enjoy lots of things. One of them, however, was the novel that they were talking about. It was one that he had found whilst going through the many stories that he had written, published on the website many years ago.

They had gotten onto the subject when Damien had told him about a short story of his that had gotten a few people's attention. Jasper remembered Bunny telling him about it the time that he was trying to find Damien's dorm. While Damien had let him read it, and it was lovely, Jasper started to look at his older books. It almost shared the same tone and writing style as this short story that he had submitted to the contest. The short story was definitely worthy of the winning title, but this novel took the label of being Jasper's favorite.

Other than the story that he was still writing at the moment. The one with the mafia boss and his plaything. It was intriguing seeing just how he wrote it. Jasper was interested in seeing how that one ended.

"Besides the fact that sex sells?" Damien shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I just grew out of the sappy love stories. They were getting repetitive anyway."

"Any genre of stories can be repetitive," he raised an eyebrow at him. "You could argue that the stories you write now are repetitive."

"I'm not going to talk to you if you keep this up," he pointed a fork at him. They were sitting down at a small little diner, enjoying some food and the free wifi that Damien's computer connected to almost immediately as soon as they came in.

"I can't critique?" he gave him a coy smile. It was all in jest, though. He wasn't really trying to upset him. "I just don't think that you stopped merely because you got bored of it."

As he had mentioned before, in his own thoughts, there had been a change of tone with his writing as soon as he transitioned. From the wide-eyed and kindhearted stories to the sinfully sexual ones, there must have been something that happened.

"Let's just say there's only so much sappy romance you can write before it starts to take its tole on you," the man gave in with a sigh. His demeanor immediately fell as he looked at his half-eaten food. He had a small stomach, but Jasper was glad that he had seen him eat more today than any other.

"And what's the tole?" he leaned in, ever curious about this.

"Loneliness," Damien answered, attempting to hide under a mask of nonchalant. "When you write people with happy endings all the time, its hard not to wish that for yourself. And that hasn't ever been close to possible for me."

He looked so depressed when he told Jasper that. He was surprised that he had finally gotten the man to open up a little more, but not expecting it to be this deep. It reminded him of someone else that he knew. Someone else who had seen the world with wide eyes full of hope and happiness, only to have it ripped out from under them as they realized that the world was much crueler than they wished it to be.

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