Chapter 48

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He was done. Done with school. Done with writing. Done with life and all the things that he had hoped that it would offer.


Whenever Damien had even a sliver of hope that things could get better, that he could be happier, they never failed to disappoint him further. What was life, if not a miserable existence? The bits and pieces of happiness were just sprinkled in there to make you think that there was some way that things could be better.

In the end, nothing ever did.

"Alright," Manfred came in the room, carrying some ice cream that he said that he was going to bring. "Can you tell me what happened now?"

"No," he groaned into the pillow. He was lucky that he had been up that late at night. His original plan was to call Sam, but he wasn't answering his phone. And Damien desperately needed to get out of there. It's not like he was welcome there. He was just the little plaything that entertained a billionaire enough to stick around for this long.

"What happened to me picking you up after all of these dates?" Sam asked, coming in right after Manfred. He must have found out sometime that night. "I thought that was the plan."

"Well, I'm an idiot," he said, putting his head up just enough to look at them. They were sitting on either side of the bed that he was using. It was Manfred's house that he had taken him to. It wasn't like his dorm was a great spot to hide. It had too many memories now. His once safe spot was now infiltrated by someone who had tricked him into thinking that he could trust him.

"Come here," Manfred put the ice cream on the nightstand and pulled him into a hug. "It'll be okay, Damien."

"No, it won't."

"What did he do this time?" Sam asked, rubbing his back more.

"I don't want to say," he shook his head, groaning as he buried his face in the uncle that was still holding him. It was embarrassing enough that he had to call them to pick him up. Telling them what he did was going to be worse.


"Because," he groaned. "It hurts."

He should have known that it was going to happen, or at least that it was a possible side effect when it was his first time. He wasn't really thinking about it at the moment. All the stories and things that he had looked into always just romanticized sex and love and all of that. It was all good, no bad ever to be thought of.

Maybe it wouldn't have been that bad. Maybe he would have been able to tolerate it.

If Jasper didn't run out the moment he actually said that he loved him.

"Ah," Manfred understood immediately. "I was wondering why you were having a hard time walking."

"Please never say that again," he groaned again, pulling away from him. Or, at least, he tried. Manfred was pretty strong, and his hugs were impossible to get out of. "For the rest of eternity."

"Someone's got to be the one to embarrass you," he chuckled keeping him stuck. "He was probably a little too hard on you."


"It happens more often than you think," Manfred didn't listen to him. "You should have at least asked me, Damien. No one's given you the talk, have they?"

"I don't want to hear this," he whined, squirming even more.

"Did he use protection at least?" Sam asked. "You won't believe just how sick you can get, especially since he gets around."

"Can we not have this discussion?!" This had to be the most embarrassing thing he had ever experienced. Never in his life did he imagine that he was going to have this open of a conversation about this. "He literally left me, and all you two are talking about is if he used a condom?!"

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