Chapter 60

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Author's Note: !!!SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING!!! This has got to be the latest in a story I've had this...I think. Either way, hi guys! This chapter as some steamy content in it, so I'm up at the top this time. All I can say about this one is that writers are weird, myself included. And they also attract weird to them. That's what I love about Damien, even if he's perpetually grumpy.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thanks for any votes and comments! I'll see you all soon!


The sweet parts were rare, but they were highly addictive. He would go through all the pain just to get a second of pleasure. And he did.

Over, and over again.

"You really are pathetic," he told him, the strong hand holding his longing. He was practically begging for any kind of friction. "You don't have any control, do you?"

"P-please," he said, his voice unrecognizable. He wasn't himself. He was exactly what that man wanted him to be. Those eyes commanded him. They looked at him with a predatory gaze, one that he had seen so many other nights that he wound up in that room.

"You like being teased like this," he got closer to him, using his free hand to hold his face up, eyes locking with his. "Don't you?"

"What are you writing now?" Jasper shocked him out of his typing. His arms immediately went around him again, pulling him further under the covers.

"Did I wake you up?" he asked. He wasn't planning on writing that night, but he couldn't help but get the feeling that he needed to finish the story. It had taken him so long, and now he was finally getting to the last few chapters.

"No," Jasper sighed, resting his chin on Damien's shoulder. "Your typing on the keyboards is calming."

"Maybe you should go back to sleep," he suggested. The man had been exhausted lately, his workload getting bigger for the time being. He told Damien that it was only temporary and it would slow down again, but that didn't mean that he didn't worry about him.

It had been about a month into his summer break, and he wasn't enjoying it. Of course, it was nice having so many people who cared about him and wanted to be there. But now it seemed like he had less and less time to write. Sam and Manfred were trying to get him to at least get into a better sleeping schedule, which was impossible, but they bugged him enough about it anyway. They were also trying to get him to not drink so much coffee, because it could be why he wasn't able to sleep as well.

All of these things were great and healthy.

But that didn't mean that Damien had to like it.

He still wound up writing in the middle of the night anyway, even without all the extra caffeine. He had plenty of time, and he still wound up not getting good sleep. This story was the main reason for that. A part of him just wanted to try and push it out. To just grab a bunch of snacks and coffee for his room and hole himself in there until it was finally out.

He would do that, if anyone would actually let him.

Maybe he should just go to Kaiden's place for a day and try to make some more progress on it.

No. His house is ten times noisier than this place. His family was huge, and they all lived together in one giant house.

"You woke up this late to write this?" Jasper chuckled, reading over his shoulder. "What were you dreaming about?"

"S-shut up!" he nudged him. All the man did was pull him closer, kissing his cheek as he wrapped the blanket around their shoulders.

"Keep writing," Jasper whispered to him. "I'm not going to bother you."

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