Chapter 7

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Well, that definitely brightened his morning. He couldn't help but laugh at the blond that argued with him so. It was comical witnessing those blue eyes of his get wider and his facial expressions slowly grow more aggravated. Jasper quite enjoyed seeing him that morning. It brightened up his whole Friday. He was just finishing up another argument with his sister about whether or not they should allow for overtime again. Jasper thought that it should be possible, as there was always something else to do. But Ashley said that it would just be a waste of money.

As if she hadn't already wasted enough.

Since Ashley delt with the human resources department, she overruled him for the time being. All it meant was that the doors to CopperTech weren't going to be open that next day. It wasn't a permanent change. Not if Jasper had anything to do with it. He was still obsessed with work, and he knew plenty of employees who were easily motivated by money and overtime. Some of them talked about needing it. It was a symbiotic relationship.

That, however, was a discussion for another time, and not worth taking up his thoughts. For the time being, the office wasn't going to be open tomorrow. As far as the next week, Jasper would wait for that to come and address the issue when the time came.

What was a more pressing matter, was recollecting the blond that just stormed out of the café. He was really cute, even when he was trying to insult him. He couldn't help but enjoy the verbal spar. He wasn't sure if he was going to see the college student after that interview. In any other circumstances, he would have been questioning whether they would have another meeting. However, there was just something different about this lovely morning. Something that could increase the chances, possibly even drastically.

It all depended on whether he wanted his laptop back.

Damien must not have realized he left it. Jasper would have sat at that coffee table to wait and see if the man would come back, but then he would have no clue as to what the man was writing. Whatever it was, it didn't seem very appropriate for the public eye. That would easily explain why the man so quickly slammed the laptop shut.

He was just looking for a good read, too. Jasper wondered just how great of a writer this college boy was. When he walked into the small café, he saw Damien immediately, completely and solely invested in writing. Jasper had never seen someone so transfixed onto a screen, or someone's hands moving as fast and with such grace as Damien's. It piqued his intrusiveness even more.

So, he did what any other person would do: he picked up the slim laptop and walked off. Mind you, this was only after putting that card that had his number on the table again. Damien had let it fall to the ground. He was going to have to learn some manners if he was going to get his laptop back. And Jasper was sure that he would. Every college student held on closely to their electronics. He was sure the boy was going to miss it rather quickly.

He started to drive towards the office. His arrival would be a bit overdue, but it wasn't going to get looked into, nor would Jasper get reprimanded. He always exceeded expectations. And Ashley was probably enjoying the silence of him not being there.

As if he was ever loud.

Jasper walked straight to his office as soon as those doors were open. Many people greeted him. He just waved and nodded, not willing to speak at the time being. Verbal responses led to a deeper conversation, and that was not something that he was interested in. With the silver laptop tucked into his arm, he took long strides to his office, making sure to shut the door behind him and lock it behind him. He could just clock into work through his computer, so there was no need to tell anyone that he was there.

Some quick passwords later, and Jasper had entered enough credentials to tell the system that he was working for the day. As far as actually going into any of his projects, that would be something better done later. For now, he had a new toy to play with.

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