Chapter 57

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"Are you sure you want me to go?" he asked him earlier that night.

"It's going to be a lot better than waiting up for me," Damien patted him. "Trust me. Just go and have fun."

Jasper hadn't been planning on going to Simon's party. It just rolled off his tongue when him and Damien were discussing the dinner that he had to go to. Jasper didn't get a good feeling about it. There was still quite the distaste for them in his mouth. But he wasn't going to keep Damien from his family. With how little his own family talked to each other, he understood the importance of it.

He liked most of Damien's family. It seemed like they were all really close to one another. They already knew how to bring Jasper's father out of his shell. He had a feeling that he was going to be inviting his father to many of those dinners. This specific one, however, no one was invited to other than Damien's own family.

And it was the one time Jasper truly wished he could go with him. Instead, he forced himself to go to the party that he had been invited to a mere few days ago. It wasn't like he had anything else to do. His plan was to stay a few hours, perhaps drink a little, and wait for Damien to message him when it was over.

Perhaps it would be best to let him have the night to himself. The uncertainty of the situation wasn't settling well in Jasper. He couldn't plan out something that had a factor that he couldn't control. He was a master of planning, but this circumstance was unique to the events for which he always set a schedule towards.

Therefore, for now, Jasper was going to attempt to enjoy himself through the party that his friend was so excited to plan.

"Jazz!" Simon grabbed his hand and hugged him quickly right as he came up to the door. "Glad you could make it! And here I thought you would be tied down tonight!"

"Not tonight," he told him. "I thought it would behoove myself to come here rather than wait for him to finish up something for his family."

"Behoove is right, my friend," Simon handed him a beer. "Drink up! This party is going to be lit!"

He had to admit, this party brought back memories. There were plenty of memories of going to these events. Some times his goal was simply to stay the whole night and enjoy being around so many people, whether they be idiotic or not, and other times he had an eye set on finding someone to bring home with him for the rest of the night. It wasn't as if he did it all the time.

Now, Jasper's goal was different from the other two. He just wished to be distracted for the rest of the night, just to give him enough time to hear back from Damien as far as what he was planning on the rest of the night. It was odd to be so attached to someone the way that he was with the man, but Jasper honestly couldn't be happier. He'd much rather spend all his time with the grumpy blond in his arms than by himself, mindlessly journeying to satisfy his own hunger. Damien could seem to do that simply by staying in his arms for the rest of eternity.

The house party filled up quickly. Everyone in the city must have heard of the event, because that was exactly how it felt in those cramped rooms. The music was blaring and the people were shouting over it with great skill. Jasper could recognize many that were there. There were always a certain crowd of regulars that he saw whenever he went to these events. However, there were quite a lot that were new as well.

It was the ones that he recognized that seemed to be glancing at him more often than not. Jasper supposed the psychology of other's reactions to someone who recently got in a relationship held its truth. All the men that he had been with before had wanted nothing to do with him for the longest time. Now, however, they were the first ones who came up to him, wondering where he had been the past few weeks.

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