Chapter 21

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He will not write.

He will not write.

He will not write.

"Do you want us to take care of the trespasser boss?" one of the guards said. The way his voice sounded was like someone was chewing nails. It was threatening, and Clement knew that he was going to be beaten if the man in front of him gave the okay. But he wasn't afraid of the guard, or anyone else in the room for that matter. The only one who made his heart stop was the one that had yanked his hair hard enough to make tears form in his eyes. He was always quick to cry, and he seemed to feed off from it.

"That's alright," the man smiled at him with flashy white teeth. "I'll take care of this rat." Those eyes quickly claimed his, dominating his soul as easy as a hunter kills and skins a rabbit. Clement felt like a rabbit at that moment. And he was a lion that had caught him too easily.

As fast as their gazes locked, the quicker they were freed as the man looked to all the women and guards around him.

"Leave," he threatened. "I don't think any of you want to see what's going to happen next."

You know what?

You know what?!

Damien threw his hands in the air. He just couldn't win, could he? There were so many times where he had to push himself to finish a story up, because motivation and inspiration could only do so much and he was a completionist to an unhealthy degree. He had to force himself to sit in front of a screen to so many of his stories and finish them. That was the chore of writing. If you wanted to finish a book, you had to get over the times where you just didn't want to write. Discipline was the one lesson that Damien told everyone to learn whenever they asked him for advice. He still didn't know why anyone wanted advice from someone who wrote a bunch of men fucking, but that was besides the point.

Because of course, the one time he wanted to take a break from writing and not share his work was when he had the one story that wouldn't leave his mind. It had been weeks since he had first gotten the idea for it, and he had honestly thought that he was going to lose those lovely words that came out when he thought about the story. That's why he was trying to get it out as quickly as possible. It happened a lot with his stories, which was why he had spent countless nights up late with no sound other than him typing.

"Mr. Klein?" the teacher snapped him out of his thoughts, looking at him curiously. "Do you have a question?"

"Uh," he stuttered, putting his arms down. "No, sorry, just stretching."

This was also one of the few stories that made him zone out when he was in class and make him act like a complete idiot.

No, he couldn't say that. There were a lot of stories that he zoned out with. And in school at home, he would act like a buffoon plenty of times. But that was mainly because he couldn't write at school. He could only write at home when he was supposed to be asleep.

Oh no. He really hoped this wasn't going to turn into that.

Snickering made him turn his head to his friend sitting right next to him. This was the only class that he had with Kaiden, and, of course, it had to be the class that he acted like a dufus in. He wasn't going to forget Damien making a fool out of himself, he just knew it. That was the perks of being Kaiden. He was a genius with just about everything, his mind as sharp as a razor.

The only thing he wasn't the best at was writing apparently. That's why he was in this class with Damien. It was also why he was in the newspaper club. He told Damien that he got pushed to go into the club by one of his family members. Damien didn't know which one, because he had like thousands of them that all lived in one house.

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