Chapter 10

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He slept the rest of the day away as soon as he got back to his dorm. He was exhausted and his heart was heavy with the idea that he didn't have his story to finish. He had gotten halfway through with it that night, and now his mind was driving him insane as he thought about all that he still wanted to do with it.

Damien didn't write in order. That was why he didn't post his stories online unless they were completed. He jumped around, finally adding all of it together when he felt like he had written enough of each part. When you did all that in one night, it was easy. Hell, he had written a story front to back in three days time. It wasn't the longest story, mind you, but it was a story. And he got quite a lot of views and comments on that one too.

But for now, he was stuck in a writer's block that was self-inflicted. If he hadn't been an idiot and left his laptop at that table, then this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't be having to toss and turn all night, dreaming about weird twists and turns, stories, and nightmares of never writing again, if he didn't just leave that stupid laptop of his at that table. He had always brought that laptop with him everywhere. It stayed glued to his hip, and had been that way ever since he got it as a graduation present when he got out of school in Germany. The fact that it was a present just made him feel even more guilty for losing it.

And he really didn't have money to try and buy a new one.

The good news about not being able to sleep that much was that he was able to remember to put the rollers in his hair halfway through the night. He didn't have naturally curly hair, but he also didn't want others to know that he didn't, and rollers were the cheapest thing he could get ahold of when he was growing up. That and some hairspray from his sister and he made do.

He wasn't trying to come off as flamboyant by any means, especially back home. But he hated just how straight his hair was, and there was no way in hell he was going to convince his parents back home to spend tons of money for a hairdresser to perm it. So, he made it seem like he had naturally curly hair by what he did to it at night. His parents were even fooled.

They didn't really pay attention to him at all unless it involved school or him leaving the house, so he shouldn't have been that surprised.

Other than that, he didn't really have anything else in his daily routine. His main concern was always his hair, which he made to stay fluffy and curly all day long. That was one of the most important traits of a person any way. Think about it this way, one of the first traits that people see is hair, that and eyes. That's how writers describe their characters. Most of the time, it's always what they see on their face, and it will almost always be their eye color or their hair first. Then they'll move onto what they wear.

Damien liked shaking things up when it came to writing, though. He got bored of all the stories that he read, and sometimes he'd get bored of the stories that he wrote himself, so he would try and change up a perspective, adding a unique description here or there. He liked to challenge himself when writing. That's what kept his hands flying across the keys to his computer.

He missed it.

"Damien, you better be up!" Opie banged on his door.

"I'm just coming out of the shower!" he yelled back at her. He had been lucky to get a dorm with a shower in it. His dorm was in a basement area and wasn't that well kept, but he got it all to himself and his own shower. Beggars couldn't be choosers.

The steam helped his hair stay curled as he carefully removed the shower cap that he had over it. He got dressed before taking it off, of course. He had made that mistake too many times in his life. Half the time, he would wind up going to school already pissed off just because he messed up his hair trying to hurry. Today, however, wasn't going to be that day.

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