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Male Lead : Min yoongi
Female Lead: Jung Aria
Author: your a 13 year old Korean girl studying in middle school your dad is a Korean and your mom is an American both families were against them so your mom and dad are the only one's you have.

Your a very bubbly girl you have a sibling your brother his name is Jung hoseok and he is 14 years old he prety possesive of you😅as he loves you too much.....but both of you have similar personalites....both of you are hyper active super friendly and very positive.

You love him so much and so does he. You have currently shifted your home due to your dad's work. So you moved from Gwangju to daegu.

Current situation.....
Hobi: hey sunshine (that's what he calls you...it's your pet name) wanna go outside?

Aria: huh? Where? we just moved in?

Hobi:let's go meet our neighbours we have to make as many friends as we can.

Aria: ok let's goooo mission accepted

Hobi: 😂 let's complete our mission

You and your bro are now in search of a friend in your neighborhood. Your brother found some kids near your house and both of you Are making a conversation with them.... eventually they all like you and your off to a good start you were about to play with them but a certain boy caught your attention

he was alone sitting in a bench behind a tree listening to music.... his skin was pale like pearl and the sun was shining bright on his cheeks......his hands lean and white....your hands almost begged to hold his....his eyes so small and wetted with Little tears and his brows knitted and he somehow seemed like a kitty to you and he was scribbling something in his note as for you your curiosity begged you to go near him and funny you didn't realise you were already walking up to him

Aria: hey

(The boy secretly wipes his eyes he then looked at you for a second you froze you felt something strange in your stomach and your heart was thumping....the way his eyes meet yours felt.....magical.... and then he started to write something again.

You were so desperate to make him smile and talk to you so you went and sat near him...he seemed to get uncomfortable so you said

Aria: hey I just wanted to talk to you

That boy: about what

(That's the first word that came out of the boy and his voice was very cold and rapsy....you kinda liked it...)

Aria: um what's your name?

That boy: what do need my name for? (In an annoyed tone)

Aria: so that I can call you by your name..?
That boy: you don't have to call me just go

(now your all fired up to get his name)

Aria: ooo alright mr.rude kitty cat ( in a savage way)

That boy: (with a disgusted face) why'd you call me that

Aria: tell me your name if you don't want to be called a kitty cat then
(with a smirk)

After hesitating the boy smirked at you and said

That boy: it's yoongi

Aria: and?

Yoongi: what's more?

Aria: which school do you study in Yoongi?

Yoongi: you don't have to know that

Aria: aaa come on we are neighbour I won't kidnap you or something does it hurt to say where you study?

Yoongi: aish this girl (quietly)....it's *** school

Aria: wow I go to the same school too

Yoongi: so?

Aria: we could be friends since it's my first day at school tomorrow......wow I already got a friend before the first day of school...

Yoongi: who said we are friends? All i did was say my name and we are friends??

Aria: anyway meet you at school yoongi yah ( in a cute tone)
(Yoongi blushed...)

Yoongi: don't call me that it's gross...

Aria: then how about kitty cat?

Yoongi: shut up will ya
(Your brother saw you talking to a boy while playing....after playing with the kids he rushed to you)

Aria: oppa meet my new friend Yoongi (you say while putting your hands on his shoulder)

Yoongi: I am not (flushed)

Hobi: oo hello there (with a radiating smile)
(Yoongi almost went blind at his smile)

Yoongi: hey
(Then you start to say everything to your brother and yoongi stood up and went)

Hobi: he seems rude

Aria: well he just seems quite to me....it's kinda different....
( It seemed like he was blushing and you started to blush yourself....You some how feel very attracted towards him your were definitely feeling some thing but you couldn't quite find what it was all you know is that it feels nice)

Yoongi pov

What is with that girl......why is she so talkative and why is her brother so...... shiny....

Yoongi's story
He is 14 year old boy who lives with his grandmother in daegu (his hometown)....he was not that interested in studying so his parents were angry at him....not only because of his studies also because he always raps and writes song lyrics and stuff which they didn't like...it doesn't matter how well he does them they always seemed to hate him for that.

He was always lonely he never had friends as he is pretty savage and cold and he had this bad boy kind of vibe...but
..he wanted to make friends but it wasn't that easy he was a bit shy with new people so it was hard for him.... eventually everyone started hating him and started fights with him.....and ofcourse yoongi punches everyone back after that he became sure that no one will talk to him anymore.

Its not like he can't live without them so he continued to be lonely.... classes seemed to be endless to him....Home felt like hell because right now Yoongi's parents came to visit him just to throw away all his music related stuff and to warn him.

However yoongi didn't listen he rebels as he loves music more than anything his parents were so against it so he ran out with his lyric note and his phone to listen to some music and relax he felt tears welled up in his eyes as he was thinking about the words his parents used

that's when aria came to yoongi....he only saw her for a few seconds but the second he laid his eyes on her he felt something unusual.

she was very preety...wind brushed her black hair slowly and that cute little white dress swaying in the wind..and her cheeks are painted pink and that was enough to drive him crazy...he felt as if he was hypnotized by her smile....that smile.....it was a killer smile......

very warm...when she called him by his name he felt something strange but unusually exciting.

he felt frustrated as she talked to him....he is not that good with people especially girls....but with this girl He felt oddly comfortable...and he seemed to like it even if he doesn't show it .

When aria put her hands around yoongi he felt shivers down his spine he never felt like this before....he felt somthing very strange he was going crazy...so he stood up and walked away....but all of this felt different to him...he felt all fuzzy inside... he smiled to himself and returned home

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