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Me and Yoonie are now walking home together. Today is the most memorable day of my life, him holding my hand right now while crossing the road is the best thing ever. Me being a hopeless romantic i start imagining all the sweet scenarios me and Yoonie could share my face was mess evident that i was thinking about things that i shouldn't....i mean i was staring at his strong ass Hands with veins and it was not helping me.

"We're here" he said
We are now standing infront of my house
"You ok? Your face flushed. Are you having a fever?" He asked with concern in his eyes
"N-no it's nothing I'm fine " i said
"Oh really?" He smirked and my heart stopped his hands come in contact with my waist and pulls me towards him , my head hitting his hard ass chest.....no aria... don't think about those things stob it you sinful kid. He leans in and whispers in his Dark husky voice
"Looks like someone is having trouble controlling their mind"
I think I was too high on water
"Looks like someone is not helping" i said
His smirk grew wide before his lips could touch my neck
"Heyyyyy my lovely sis!!!!! Where are you?"

We pushed eachother in pure panic

"O-oh I'm here bro" i said trying to be cool
Hobi flashed his iconic sunshine smile at me and Yoonie
"Omg why are you both red? Did you guy's catch a fever ?"
I turned around to find yoonie blushing and boy was it cute......it was FREAKIN ADORABLE
"Get in you both it's cold" hobi said


"I- i have to see Grandma " i said
"Oh you want to see me now? Really?" Grandma said as she emerged from behind hobi
"What the...Grandma what are you doing here?"
Honestly it's scary she is smiling so wide and I'm damn sure she saw something..... something about me and riri God I hope she saw less she's gonna make hella fun of me
"I'm just helping these kids since their parents are abroad" grandma said while grinning at me oh boy this is not good
"What!?? When did they leave?" Riri asked
"Shortly after I came home....they wanted to wait for you but i told them you'll be late due to school work and they left since they were late to flight" hobi explains
"Ooh....ok then I call them later" riri said
"Get in everyone" hobi said
"Ah I'll get going...yoongi you can stay over at hobi's house to give him company" she said and winked at me
"W-what grandma it's not" i was dragged in by hobi and riri and i didn't get to finish my sentence

Time skip brought to you by dinner cooked by grandma

After dinner i took a shower at hobi's restroom. I got out while drying my hair with a towel....my eyes were on fire. Man riri is cute that i know but no one told me that she was hot af .

those cat like eyes, Water dripping from her hair, shirt a bit transparent, lips red, face glowing from that hot shower damn.

She stood up and walked up too me....i swear my knees felt like jelly....blood rushing through my body my face flushed as she swayed her hips . My legs hit the bed and made me sit down
Riri finger glides from my chest to neck and grabs a hold of it while sitting.....ON MY FREAKING LAP.
Both her hands snakes around my neck and she pulls me closer

Am I dreaming? Is this heaven? What on earth is going on here? My riri is not so innocent as my dreams potraited her. ofcourse she is A DAMN HOT WOMEN now

My awe struck shocked face now faces this angelic devil.

"looks like someone is having trouble controlling their mind " she whispered

What the fuck.....she is getting back for what I did back there????

She got up and left while winking at my dumbfound face

"Brace yourself Yoonie you're gonna spend the night here~"

Damn ...... I'm dead today

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