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Currently: you had many neighbours to visit and yoongi somehow ended up joining you and your brother 😅(thanks to the lovely grandma 😝) since you two were new to the area yoongi decided to introduce his friends

Yoongi: ahh I wanna sleep....I am so tried

Aria: seriously it's just been 2 minutes of walking
Hobi: cheer up man we are gonna have so much fun
Suga: no
Hobi: we are gonna make so many friends
Suga: never
Hobi: we are gonna play all day in sun
Suga: too hot
Hobi: aww come on you are no fun
Suga: oo yeah your too fun
Aria: 😂stop it you two
(You started laughing with you brother. yoongi watched you both for a while.... unknowingly he smiled showing off his cute little teeths...you both stoped laughing suddenly and yoongi realised this and looked up at you two staring yoongi in awe )
Yoongi: what? (Blushing)
Hobi: seriously don't smile like that without warning it's too cute we might die
(you stood there frozen not moving your eyes)
(Yoongi got all red and started walking faster)
Yoongi:come on you two hurry

(Your pov: when I saw Yoongi's smile suddenly a vision passed my mind.)
( I was in a garden....sort of....the were flowers every where and a large tree beneath it was a boy he was wearing a thin white shirt with brown shorts his Hair was black his skin was pale as snow his sweat drops glistening under the sun his tiny hands were holding something looked like a flower I went up to him and he turned back slowly his eyes started to sparkling his mouth wide open showing his white pearl teeths ....he.... smiled....at me......i was lost.....lost in the smile his eyes his face....he looked so...... happy...
and ...... young....he gave me a flower and said something but I couldn't quite get it.....all know is he said something and he smiled and I smiled back...this boy..........)

(Hobi waves his hands in front of you)
Hobi: hey sis......sis.......
Aria: huh?....ohh hey...
Hobi: you alright? I called for like 30 times...are you sick?
(Your still thinking while looking at yoongi)
Aria: i am fine...let's goo


(You reached the first house hobi knocked on the door . it was opened and there stood a young boy )
Aria: hello we are new to your neighborhood and we are here to give rice cakes ( you smiled brightly showing your dimples)
That boy: come in....oo hey yoongi hyung your here too......i think its gonna rain today... you rarely come visit me( smiled while showing his cute little dimple)
Yoongi: shut up...
(Writer: i think you already know who the boy is😝)

That boy : hi my name is Kim namjoon and I am 14 years old ( smiles)
Hobi: hi I am Jung hoseok call me hobi and I am 14 and this is my sister Jung aria she is 13
Aria: hello.....you have cute dimples joonie oppa
Joonie: you too (flushed)
Yoongi: hey how are you
Joonie: hi hyung i am fine
( You had endless chats. Since Yoongi and joonie already knew eachother they talked alot and made fun of eachother. Namjoon was easy to approach so you and your brother had no trouble in becoming close you already felt like he was your brother and he felt the same way....and now you were about to go to the next house and joonie came to tag along too. You reached the next house and you meet another boy. He was so perfectly handsome..... seriously)
That boy: can I help? (Politely)
Aria: Hello we just moved in today we are handing out rice cakes ( still in awe)
That boy: well do come in....my name is Kim seokjin I am 16 nice to meet you.....ooh hey namjoon your here too...wow is that yoongi
Joonie: hey bro.
Yoongi: yes hyung
Jinnie: it's been ages since yoongi visited my mom kept asking about you
Yoongi: umm sorry I was a bit busy
Jinnie: yeah yeah.....now who is this little cutie
Aria: i am aria (flushed)
Jinnie: haa cute..(strokes your hair)
Yoongi: aa stop that your making her uncomfortable....
Jinnie: umm it looks like someone else is getting uncomfortable not her
( Yoongi looks away)
Yoongi: whatever ( muttering quietly)
(Jin's hands were still on your head)
Hobi: hey hands off my sis
Jinnie: opps😝her hair is too soft to resist..what's your name?
Hobi: my name is Jung hoseok call me hobi.
Jinnie: hey there hobi
Joonie: wanna come along hyung? We Still have 3 more houses to goo
Jinnie: oo yeah sure..... lucky us those three are in the playground now we can meet them all at once
You and hobi: to...the playground
(They all laughed...you were getting comfortable with eachother you felt like you were with them for years. All of you walked together you your brother and namjoon raced eachother to the playground while jin and yoongi followed you all while chatting and yoongi eyes where fixed on you)
Jinnie: so....
Yoongi: so?..
Jinnie: you know....
Yoongi: I don't know
Jinnie: aish..
Yoongi: sorry hyung....what?
Jinnie: that girl.....she is cute right
(Yoongi almost chocked)
Yoongi: huh? Wh...what?
Jinnie: (chuckled)she is cute right?
Yoongi: yeah...she is ....(in mind: too cute to say)
Jinnie: you like her?
(Yoongi's eyes went wide....he chocked on his own saliva at the sudden questions coming from his hyung)
Yoongi: nooo..what are... talking about....me that girl.....no way...(coughing)
Jinnie: you know your bad at telling lies
Yoongi: she is kinda.....cute.... i don't like her....( quietly)
(In mind: I love her)
Jinnie: I can't hear you
(Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but )
Aria: heyy....hurry up.. you two (shouting)
Jinnie: yeahh we are coming ( shouting back) come on let's talk later

(Yoongi nodded and they headed towards you)
(At the playground there were three boy's playing in swing and as soon as they saw jin they rushed towards us..)
Jinnie: hey come here meet aria and hobi they are new to our neighbourhood....
Jiminie: oohh hi my name is park Jimin I am 13
Tae: i am Kim taehyung and I am also 13
Jk: hi I am Jeon jungkook and I am 12
Aria: wow I have a little brother now( you ruffled jk's hair)
Jk: noona? ( Blushing)
Aria: yes I am
Jimin: and we are?
Aria: we are of same age I am 13 too
Tae: ohh great (holds your hands)
(Hobi glares at tae and he gulped and took his hands back.... after a while all of you laughed and enjoyed eachothers company and you guys became really close...like real brothers and sisters....you all went to the same school so it was getting better and better)

you all went to the same school so it was getting better and better)

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Hope y'all liked it....i am also in Instagram @bulletproof1323

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