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Yoongi is right now inside my room
And i was taking a bath right now and I told yoongi to stay there until I come open the door when it's safe and then he can leave the house once Hobi is asleep.

He almost fell asleep there lol

And I peaked my head from behind the door of my bathroom hiding my body.

"Yoongi......I have to change into my clothes. Sorry that you had to wait so long"
"No problem.... um...just take your clothes i suppose."
"Yoongi I'm in a towel....I'm naked underneath "

I'm sure I'm beet red now....and he was too.

"O-oh....fine I'll close my eyes"

I giggled saying that it won't work and that I had to come out to take the clothes from my closet

He turned around facing the other side for few mins and the he turned around after i said alright. I stood in front of him in a tshirt and shorts which wasn't visible as the tshirt is bigger that.
I'm not sure what came over but the need to have him is growing bigger than ever now.

Author's POV:

Yoongi pushed Aria against the wall and locked her between him and the wall.
"Y-yoon-yoonie , what are you doing?"

"I don't know....but all i know is that I wanna kiss you so bad right now"

She seemed lost like everything that's happening feels surreal.
Lust glistening in their eyes as the tension grew thick and even the smallest friction caused when their knees touched made them whine.
Sudden confidence caused by erotic thoughts made them break free from their shyness.
"What are you waiting for then....kiss me yoonie....kiss me till i lose my mind"

And he did not wait, he crashed his lips against hers and this new found feeling started overflowing. Lust and love oozing from their eyes and the tension in the air rises the temperature.

They parted just for one second to breathe and their lips met again not wanting to part.

She bites his bottom lips making him groan . She fights with his tongue for dominance which is grated as yoongi is taken aback from her sudden dominant action.

He quickly composes himself and slides his hands , tracing from her hips to her exposed thigh. He lifts her legs with his hands under her thighs. They wished to be melted into one another no matter what they do they don't feel close enough. The desire and lust now skyrocketing.

"Y-yoonie...I need you but this is n-not the right t-time ,you need to get out of h-here"

Yoongi felt light Headed as he kept placing small gentle kisses down her neck.

"Y-yoonie stop before I fuck you"

"Please fuck me riri....fuck me now"

Yoongi pleaded as he completely submits himself to Riri. Covered up in sweat and breathing heavily under the influence with a playful smirk aria pulled Yoongi with her to the bed.
She pushed him towards the bed and giggled

"Who's the kitty now"
"Behave yourself little kitty cuz your about to be dominated"

Yoongi gulped as the confident women infront of him is turning him on ....and making him painfully need some attention.


I push yoongi to the bed and place my self on his lap and Kiss him as I can't get enough of him. I grab the back of his head as my hands dig into his hair. My other hand started unbuttoning his shirt as I feel his chest up and slid my hands downwards to pull at his belt. I stopped kissing him and worked on removing his pants yoongi tried to undress me but grabbed his wrist

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