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"So......umm.....do i really have to do it?" Asked tae . "It's a dare tae besides it's just hobi and it's JUST a kiss .....On the lips " said jin while trying to control his laughter. "Omg I have to protect my eyes" i said and closed my eyes i peeked a little to see what was happening. tae and hobi were being pushed by yoongi with a evil smirk and namjoon was like "disgusting sh*t" and jin and jk were requesting a Chu sound and Jimin.....well he was on the floor laughing.....it was a disaster .


You close your eyes .....they KISSED.

Immediately the boys ran around the house with tae wiping his mouth repeatedly and the others just cringing hard and making fun of them while laughing.........we were so messed up🤣


"Ok now.....let's calm down and start the game" i said . "Let's make this intresting the one who already did a dare doesn't have to play which means Ari, yoongi hyung and namjoon hyung you guys are gonna play" said jimin. "Let's finish it fast " said yoongi "then you guys can play rock paper scissors and the loser will pick a card from the bowl" said tae . "Ok guys let's write the dare" jin said with a smirk and looked at yoongi the other boys had a smirk on their face as well....."umm....are y'all ok " asked yoongi "OH trust me we're fine " said jin. This is gonna be so thrilling


I lost the game and picked the paper and read it out loud......stupid....why would you read it out loud

"Kiss the one on your left" i said with a blank face and turned to my left and found a red faced aria...... I stopped breathing

ARIA!!!! Omg this isn't happening.....just the thought of her lips on mine......holy sh-..... I'm gonna go crazy.......

"Aww is hyung shy..." Asked tae. "Come on hyung it's just a kiss do it" said jimin

I turned to her and she nodded shyly..... I'm dead ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.....how bad i wanted to do it


My body was on fire . I felt shy and it was embarrassing....but.....GOD HOW BAD I WANTED TO DO THIS......his lips on mine .......GOD HELP ME

I closed my eyes and heard the boys shouting and giggling and i felt him coming closer to me ....my heart was running a marathon oh gosh.....all of a sudden my heart stopped.... That's when i felt his small cute lips......on mine i felt a shiver down my spine

As soon as his lips were on mine i felt some familiar scenes flashing before my eyes

We were both shocked and pulled apart quickly with curiosity and shock clear in our face. Me and yoongi let out loud gasp.......what was that! Did he feel it to?


Her soft plump lips were on mine it felt surreal suddenly few familiar scenes started flashing before my eyes. My eyes wide open i pulled apart and let out a gasp. She had the same look as me....did she feel it too?...what the heck.

"Are you guys ok" namjoon asked
I turned towards the boys few laughing upon looking at my tomato like face while few were curious as to why i and aria was shocked.

"Can I talk to you for a sec" asked aria ignoring the boys

"S-s-sure ok" i said . I heard the boys giggle at my shy and akward state.

I walked out following aria we headed out to a nearby park

"So.....i have something's to ask" she and i said at the same time we chuckled. "You go first" i said.

"So....the thing is"......

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