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"hey aria can you come with for a min"

We are currently having our lunch in the cafeteria. I was sitting between yoongi hyung and tae... purposefully. I feel him tense behind me.

"Umm....sure but why?"
"Nothing just wanted to talk"
"Sus....I'm not going"
"What I just wanna talk I'm not gonna kill u"
"Oh you would though"

Yoongi said "Talk right here then"

"No Hyung I wanna talk with her.... alone"

I can feel everyone smirking knowing what's going on except yoongi and Arie and it's sooo fun.

"What is it that you can't share with us ?"

"Woah chill..Jimin come on let's go"

I see yoongi Hyun sulking...man this is going really great.

We went out and i stood leaning on the corridor wall opposite to the cafeteria's entrance. I can still see hyung from here but his eyes were on aria's.

"Jimin nah what is it that you wanna talk about?"

I was so lost while having fun watching hyungs face that i didn't hear her.

My view was blocked as suddenly aria popped up to my face......too close......the scene from this morning HAD to flash in my fuckin mind right now.

"W-we....let's go there"
I dragged her out out the corridor so that yoongi doesn't see her.

"Why u red?"

"Nothing just hot"

"You are"

Wait what? I turn and look at her suprised to see her confidence. She giggles and said

"You should have seen your face"

I kept looking at her cute giggling face........no no no stob

"So......what did you wanna talk about?"

"Oh- oh yeah I.....I have a plan.... everyone knows except you and yoongi" I said smiling at the thought of pushing yoongi's buttons


I explained everything to her and made sure to tell her that we are not using her and that it's all just for fun.

"Although I love the idea of seeing a jealous yoongi....idk feel like we are playing with his feelings"

"Woah we ain't gonna go that far just.....little things"

"Mhmmm.....fine then"

She tried to walk past me but her hair got stuck in my shirt botton.

"W-wait damn I'll pull it out"
"N-no I'll do it... you'll only tangle it further haha"
"Hey...I'm not namjoon u know"

She bit down on her lip as she tried to pull her hair out of it.

She got closer so as to loosen it but my heart got tighter and tighter she smirked at my reaction and I was barely breathin.....was she always this pretty.....I mean I know she's pretty but up close.....damn.

Wait Jimin she likes yoongi....you can't....I tried to look away when I saw all of them walking by and i spotted yoongi hyung. He was looking in my way....i tried to act cool and put an arm around aria waist

"Jimin wha-"

"Yoongi hyung is behind you"

She just stood there stiff in my hands and now its my time to smirk.

"What are you smirking for?" She asked through her gritted teeth
"Oh you know why sweetie"
With slightly pink cheeks she pulled her hair out and walked away from both of us.

Hyung looked at me and gave a stiff smile.
And i went to find the rest of them just to gossip.

"Yall saw yoongi's face?" Asked jin. Namjoon was like "Bro was so cute"

"Hey Jimin what were you doing with her up all close?"

"Nothing hobi Hyung i just told her about the plan but then her hair got stuck to my shirt button....so...yea"

"Okay then."

And then all of us talked about what to do next made fun of yoongi and then just left

"It was sooo fun right Jimin nie"

"Huh?....ok yeah yeah it was tae"

"Okay?...let's go?"

"Sure let's go"

"Omg jiminie....hahaaha"

Tae started laughing leaving me confused.

"Nothing let's just go yea I'm hungry"

"Dude u just ate"

"Well....it wasn't enough and i know your hungry too jin"

"This punk.... ofcourse i am you ate my food"

We all laughed at that and went home bickering


I was going home and as I was walking by i spotted a cute Lil kitten. Oh lawd why so cuteee. I squatted down next to it and petted it and it gave me the cutest Lil meows and I was screaming internally.

"Your so white and pale with a cute Lil nose.....just like yoongi,so cute. oh my god why do I keep thinking about this boy"

"Yeah why?"



"and eavesdropping on my conversation?"

"With that kitty? Girl you are literally sitting in an empty street, anyone passing by could hear you."

"Whatever imma go home"


" So What Mr.yoongi?"

"Why do u keep thinkin about me?"

"W-who says?"

"Um...you said that to the kitty?

"Yea every dumb thing I see reminds me of you"

"Thi- girl what did I do to you"

"Shut up"

"I am never visting your home again yesterday night is the last time I'm telling you"

"Wait you did come to my house?"

"Wtf what do you mean we watched a movie  together?"

"And then?"

My heart is thumping against my chest and my head felt light....me and him....we did that????.....wtf

"And.....what else?"

"What did we do?"

"Wt- what did we do? We did nothing we just watched the movie you fell asleep so i brought you to your bed and then me and hobi slept in his room cuz it was getting late"

"Thats all?"

He smirked "what were you thinking? Did you dream of something?"

"W-what no I didn't let's go its getting cold"

He started laughing and walked.....no i ran to my house. Those dreams were so vivid tho.....am i disappointed shit aria get it together girl.

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