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Play this song when i say (play)


"Wow.......fate huh?"
"Y-yeah" she said. We're both nervous and she's now sitting on the bench with me in front of the piano . She is so close wow she smells damn good, Isn't her uniform a bit tight? why is her curves so evident? DAMN STOP it yoongi your being a creep
"So...what song should we do?" She asked
"I don't have anything particular in mind" i said
"then maybe we can..... make a new song how about that?"
"Sure. Sounds good " i said
"do have any sort of tune that you made by yourself? " She asked.

Without thinking i played the tune that has always been in my memory....a tune that i made with HER.....


After a few seconds aria stood up abruptly and it shocked me she started crying and it tore my heart for some reason and i became nervous as heck.


I-i....T-this tune.....i stood up from the bench genuinely shocked tears pouring without permission heart paining for no reason .
"This-this T-Tune"
I started Shuttering like a maniac
"Aria what's wrong!" Asked yoongi
My knees felt weak and so i fell down not really as yoongi was quick enough to catch me . He hugged me, it felt comforting yet my tears never stop
After a while i said
"How do you know that tune?"
"Huh? Oh the tune....i-"

Having her in my arms was like a dream her fragile frame in my strong hands...felt nice.....very nice to be exact but for some reasons I felt pain . Pain and happiness together.
"How do you know that tune?"
She asked . My mind was slowly processing.....her memories and dreams flashing in my eyes
"Huh? Oh that tune.....i-" i sigh softly yet painfully....pains me that I don't remember such a lovely soul

"I don't know but there's this little girl in my dream who i assume is my childhood friend. We used to play this all the time. I dream for her everyday. I dream of beautiful moments but-...but it hurts....it pains that i don't even remember her"

Aria lifts her head and looks at me . Her skin pale, her eyes wide ,her hands are trembling she wipes my eyes and looks at me.
Her eyes filled with tears that screams "it hurts" but her lips are pulled up like saying "finally" her hand lands on my face gently like "is that you?"

"Yo-yo- Yoonie??"

My world stops

"Ri-ri !???"

Her world stopped

Our bodies move in sync.

We hugged ourselves to death as tears killed our eyes.

No words were needed

I found my Riri
She found her Yoonie


"Ri-ri !???"

My world stopped

That one word was enough.
Finally this painful feeling is over, the painful feeling of wanting to find him

We hugged and cried for hours....i don't care how long i just wanna stay in his arms a little more.... Or maybe forever...if forever is not a fantasy

I found my Yoonie
He found his Ri-ri

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