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"Have we met before?" I asked him and he was slightly suprised did he wanted to ask the same question? Idk

"Umm...not until you moved here..i didn't know you from before" he said and i laughed awkwardly and said "yeah i was in gwangju and then moved to daegu"
" So you were born in gwangju?" He asked

Suddenly it hit me "actually idk" i said with an expression less face and he just went "pfft you don't know we're you were born".

"U-um......well i just didn't care " i quickly took my phone and asked hobi where I was born he seems a bit taken back from my not so common question anyway he answered me while laughing slightly

You were born in daegu why do you ask now?

"What? I was born here" i said slightly suprised because I don't remember anything like that like bitch of course i won't remember i was just a baby. But i remember oppa was born in gwangju so why was I born here?. I was confused so i asked him . He was quite for a long time until he finnally spoke

I'll tell about it another day Sweety . Anyway where are you right now is yoongi with you?."

"Yes he is don't worry were in the park near by"

Okay don't be too late the boys said they were tried so they are gonna sleep and I'm gonna sleep too the Keys in your coat pocket . Don't take too long

"Alright alright I'll be there in a few . Go sleep oppa"

"So?" He asked . "I was born in daegu but i know he was born in gwangju I asked him why but he said he will tell me about it another day .....now that i think about it I don't actually remember my childhood that clearly"

"Oh....well let's go home now it's getting late and....cold " he said


"Aw come on let's play for a bit" she said while pouting..... don't attack me like that damn it

"Are you crazy who plays in the park this late " i said while laughing

"I was kidding who wants to play in this cold with you i wanna go home " she said

Now it's my time to attack her
"So you don't wanna play with me " i asked with a pout. And for a moment she froze and looked at my face I got a bit embarrassed and i cleared my throat wanting to stop her from looking at me and stood up and turned my back towards her and started Walking towards her house

Suddenly she came running and hoped on my back and my hands automatically went behind to support her
" Let's play" she whispered near my ear which was red ....not from the cold i guess
"W-what" i asked

my mind had a lots inappropriate thoughts *cough* you know....if you don't it's ok. I was anticipating her answer somehow

"The game is called carry the girl home" she said with a cute giggle and with that i started laughing at her cuteness

Inappropriate thoughts?......with her?........haha.......it's just not happening

"Seems like a fun game. Let's go quickly it looks like it's about to rain" i said and i carried her home

She kept on rambling about somethings that happened in school and she suddenly became silent i chuckled
"How can she sleep like this" i said to myself. The cold breeze hit my face it looks like it'll rain soon

Now that it's quite i noticed where my hand was ......on the back of her thighs..... suddenly my heart did flips and my face was turning hot

Her hair on my shoulder ......her chest against my back.....her hands around my neck.....her lips on my neck. Damn it

Heck this is a dangerous game

I got home aria was sound asleep she looked cute so i didn't want to wake her up. So i bent forward a bit cuz her weight is on my back and slowly i take one hand from her thigh and took the keys from her coat pocket.

I entered into the hall the kitchen light was on so there was enough light i saw the boys sleeping on the couch and some where on the floor. Seriously I just can't with them .

I didn't want Aria to sleep in a pigpen the boys were all over eachother.

I don't want any of them cuddling her *cough*. It will be uncomfortable for HER so....

I took her upstairs to her room. I carefully put her down and removed her coat and hung it on the door and cover her with the blanket. I looked at her face the night lamp illuminated her face .......

.....Just perfect.....her face looked so soft..... should i kiss her..... what the hell yoongi calm down. I was about to move away from her but suddenly a huge thunder struck the sound was a bit huge . Her eyes shot open . I was above her so her hand grabbed my collar by shock.

"Hey it's me it's ok it's just a thunder" i said and tried to calm her down and noticed her hands were shaking.
"Your scared of thunder?" I asked

She scoffed and said "scared?...of thunder?...Me?....pfft.....NO" she said and loosened her hand on my collar .

There was another thunder and there it was her hand was back on my collar holding on for dear life closing her eyes tightly as if she was about to die.
"Yeah totally not scared" i said and chuckled

"Gosh shut up and stay put" she said

"Want me to stay here? But there's only one bed" I asked and the thought made me blush thank God it was dark.

"U-umm t-that" she started shuttering.

"It's ok I'll stay awake and I'll leave when the rain stops" i said

"Y-yeah we'll just stay awake till it stops raining " she said


When were leaning against the wall but after some time my back started hurting so we laid down and tried to stay awake occasionally she hugged me out of fear upon hearing the thunder and backed off when it was gone. she was shy and so was i but i maned up told her it was ok and pulled her into a hug

Time passed and there was no thunder but it's still drizzling. I opened my eyes and saw a sleeping girl next to me

"And you said you'd stay awake " i said to my self and chuckled. She shifted in my arms and mumbled something in her sleep.

"I am awake" she whispered in half sleep "yeah right " i said back

but she just smiled and snuggled she burrierd her face in my neck. My heart was beating like crazy I bet my face was red too....omg aria stop this.....

Author-Nim here💜

Omg guys thankyou for the 100 reads🥺 and 23 votes🥺......23 is my bday number actually and i am so happy😍. The day I hit century 😆i hope you guys continue to support me lub u bitch's (no offence)😗. Purple you 💜

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