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I heard faint voices more like whispers
"Omo omo the view is too cute"
"Should we take a picture"
"She looks like a koala.....on a stone...pftt"

Koala.....on a stone..... wait what the-

I opened my eyes and just...... Beautiful.....
First Thing i saw in the morning......her face. Perfectly black strands of hair softly falls on her Puffy cheeks making her scrunch her nose in the cutest way possible she mumbled something.. probably annoyed of the hair i moved it and tucked it behind her ear i don't know how i did that....some new found courage i guess ,and she went to back to her peaceful sleep again.......i can never get enough of you can i

Just when i was lost in the moment someone HAD to interrupt
"Ahem" i looked up

and That's when i realised that i fvcked up

There stood Jimin jin and jungkook

"This is fun" said jimin with a smug look on his face
I move away from her quickly
"Shut up" i said
"I am sooo gonna tell this to all" said jk with a grin
"I'm sooo gonna rip you mouth of if you do that" i said
"Come on kids leave that sloth alone don't tell anyone if hobi knows we all will die" said jin
"Hyung i can explain she was just-"
"You don't have to explain anything we saw nothing ok you can proceed " said jin and left the room with the other two


"Aww hyung it was fun looking at him all flushed and all" Jimin whined
"It's the first time yoongi laid his eyes on someone...... let's be serious guys.....i wanna see him smile happy again"

Silence.......no one talks but their thoughts were the same without a doubt

They all wished yoongi nothing but happiness


I covered my very red red face which was burning in embarrassment in my hands
They HAD to see this....they are definitely gonna talk about this for years to come. I slowly then look at her..... still sleeping peacefully.
"One hell of a sleeping beauty aren't you" i said and poked her cheeks
Annoyed she turned the other way and continued her journey in dreamland
I was staring at her for God-knows-how-long suddenly i felt unusual like something was missing from my regular morning I mean ofcourse it isn't my regular morning as i don't wake up to see a beautiful cute girl beside me all cuddled up, but something was still missing. Then it hit me "i didn't dream of her today" i say to myself as my eyes widened this never happened before though. As i was thinking a voice startled me. " Good morning" i look beside me to look at the sleeping beauty awake and scratching her eyes with a pout. I say a good morning and she gets up and goes to her bathroom. Wow she is not surprised at all. i awkwardly stood up and went down stairs and joined the boys. Hobi was giving me death glares which was seriously so scary like hell scary i then explained what happened last night and he took a moment to look at me and then gave me that DAMN bright smile and said a thanks for taking care of his sis and we started making breakfast


I woke up and saw yoongi sitting on my bed i said a good morning and he seemed a bit taken back. I went to my bathroom and did my usual routine while i was facing my face then It hit me......


Then i remembered last night he gave me a piggy back ride and i slept on his back. I was gonna sleep alone but it HAD to rain and i HAD to get scared of thunder and he HAD to give me company and i was determined to stay awake but I HAD to sleep while cuddling him.......oh well no biggie he didn't do nothing.....i am sure. It's not like He is not gonna make fun of me right?
I washed my face and went downstairs to have breakfast then i greeted the boys and i was bit hesitant since the only free seat was next to yoongi.....

come on how bad can it be? he won't tease me

And boy was i wrong.....Seriously he is so bad i wanna squish him to death If possible

I was enjoying my pancakes in peace suddenly yoongi whispered into my ears

"Did you have a good sleep while cuddling"

I gave a death glare and he bit his lips and tried his utmost best to not laugh

"So what were you doing last night" asked jungkook as Jimin nudged the young one with a mischievous smile

"Cuddling" i said while still staring at yoongi who was now looking back at me with wide eye

Gentleman was too stunned to speak

Jin Jimin and jk was like 'pfft' and the others were ' huh? What now?'

It was at this moment that i realised......i fvcked up. My eyes widened and looked at hobi who was giving me a What-the-hell-did-you-say look

i immediately started shouting "MY PLUSHIE......I WAS CUDDLING MY PLUSHIE OK"

"By any means was it a white cat" asked Jimin with a smirk

"Yes a white cat PLUSHIE " i said and i knew for a fact that my face was an attractive red by now

Then i saw hobi who was like "oh okay no biggie"

Then i quickly ate my food and ran up stairs and on the process i saw Jimin and jk looking at me with a proud smile as If they had won something. Annoying brats
Oh the humiliation....

I went to my room and crashed on my soft soft bed . I was staring at the ceiling remembering last night events strangely i was feeling all fuzzy inside . This was an unusual but a beautiful morning then it hit me..... something was missing from my usual morning...........i gasped "oh my gosh I didn't dream about him" this never happened there was never a day that i didn't dream of that boy but today i didn't. What in the world.
but how? Why? Did he get sick of me ? Pfft what am I thinking.

Why didn't I dream of him?

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