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Aria rushed to her home which is opposite to mine and i followed her.

She ran across her confused brother Barger into her room and began searching for something. Must be the ring ig.

"Guys what happened"

"It's.... actually I'm not sure"

Right then we heard a crash sound and both of us rushed towards her

"Sunshine are you o-.....what are you-"

"I don't understand what is going on. Yoonie look"

She showed me the ring and it was exactly like mine but with a different stone

"Well....guess it time you know eachother"

"Grandma wh-"

"Calm down aria we'll talk about this downstairs ok"

-Back in time-

(3rd person pov)

Aria was 5 when it happened. She was born in daegu her mother struggled to give birth to her....how she struggled was big story

Her mother's name was Bom aera. Aria's mom married an American guy named jay. They fell in love with eachother when her mom was in america to visit her aunt.
Eventually they married eachother even though their families were not happy with them. They decided to stay in gwangju, with one of her aunt who supported aera and her decision in marriage. They were happy and they could not ask for more when jung hoseok was born. But fate had something else in store for them.

Aera's mother (hobi's grandma) called them to visit them at their house in deagu. They said that they have forgiven them and that they wished to see their grandchild.
After that they left gwangju and stayed in daegu.
aera's mom pressured aera to have another child saying that hobi shouldn't be lonely.

That's how aria was born. Hating that it was a girl child the family started hating them again saying that they bring bad luck to the family.

They lived there for about 5 years until aera had enough. They treated aria as if she is a dog and the child didn't even realise that she was being treated bad. She was tortured by them, when aera & jay left home for work. Aria cried and ran off to the streets once and that's how she met yoongi. Eventually they became thick friends. When ever they had bad moments at home they ran away to meet eachother.

They were eachother's sweet escape.

Aria loved spending time with yoongi and so did he.

Yoongi's family was not doing great either they had a drunkard uncle and a liquor addicted  mom with a very strict status obsessed psychopath dad who loved having fights with his wife just because she was not upto his level in society and the wife used yoongi as a way to vent her anger while she was drunk. He was born in daegu in his mother's hometown but then they moved to Seoul for job. His grandma brought him with her to daegu after learning how he was being treated back in Seoul.

Aria and yoongi loved eachother after all they were the only happiness they had. But it did not last long

One day aera came home sooner and happened to see how her family treated her daughter. Anger flushed inside aera upon hearing such hateful words from her family. They tried locking their own daughter (aera) at home so that she wont leave. They wanted to have hobi with them. Jay refused to have his family treated like this.Then eventually they ran away from home without anyone knowing.

That night before they ran away from home aria met yoongi and said that she thinks that they would soon leave this town. Upon hearing this yoongi ran to his home and brought back two rings he gave one to aria and promised her that would met eachother again. They exchanged rings and hugged eachother and cried to their heart's content.

When aria left the town she kept crying in the car and yoongi cried himself to sleep too.

All this stress caused them dissociative amnesia.

When aria reached Busan she didn't remember why she cried but something inside her broke that day and it kept aching.

On the other side Yoongi woke up to the same old setting but something was missing he'd go back to a particular place. There stood a big old cherry blossom tree he has always felt something for that place but when ever he goes there something in him aches he constantly feels like something is missing or maybe someone. But doesn't remember what it is.

Author's note:

Like two puzzle pieces missing eachother they were thrown apart. But fate has brought them back like flowers floating in the water.

Will this puzzle ever be complete.

Guys let me know how you feel about this story and how you wish this story could move. 💜 Luv u guys 😘

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