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The sun hit my eyes my legs are being swallowed by the sand as i run..... "honestly...this .......IS......THE......BEST...DAY......EVER...yahoooo" yelling while running towards the beach with my brother's running behind me .

I heard few laughs behind which I assume is from my bro's probably thinking I am some 5 year old kid who has never seen a beach. I end up running into the water with tae and Jimin joining me and we ended up splashing water at eachother. We were a laughing mess. The rest were spreading the mats and setting up an umbrella ⛱️.

Authors pov

"Looks like their having fun" said jin with a mother smile on his face so does hobi "yeah I'm gonna go too ,wanna join ?"

"Nah I'm good you g-" he was cut off by a shout "are you afraid of water wwh oppa" said aria "did she just trigger me....I'm in.....come on joonie let's teach these kids how to have fun" said jin and joonie laughed while hobi joined in the water war with aria. Yoongi watched them play and fool around in the water as his eyes natural moved towards her as if it was normal thing . Without thinking I saw aria having fun she looked back . Her outfit was making him crazy not to mention the water on her body is not helping either as it made her sparkle under the sun....what are you doing to me aria.... yoongi thought to himself. Suddenly yesterday's event flashes before him.

Flashback (yoongi pov)

I saw her.....

Again......this dream had been haunting me ever since I was 8 but it had stopped for awhile but it's coming back again. It's killing me.....who are you and why are leaving me crying and panting everytime why the heck am i missing you even though I don't remember you.....what are you to me.... Little did i realise that tears were escaping my eyes while asking these questions. I felt suffocating so i went to the window to get some air and......Aria!? What is she doing there ?Why is she crying......some how i felt like looking at her made me cry even hard the urge to hug and kiss her was killing me. It looked like aria was nearly in the same state like me panting and crying her eyes out it hurts to look at her crying.....a nightmare perhaps.? ..... I think to myself. i softly smiled at her as she returned it politely . with the moon light dawn upon her face it illuminated her perfect features. Her eyes glistening with diamond like tears . She mouthed me a goodnight and went to sleep. How i wished she was near me but why did i feel this way.....who are you aria...why are making me feel this way.

Present time


While i was splashing water at my bro's suddenly i felt some one watching me and turns out it was Yoongi. I started staring at him and so did he. Suddenly yesterday's event flashes before me.

Flashback (Aria's pov)

I saw him

Again.....in my dreams. This dream has been haunting me ever since I was little. I don't remember his name or face but all I know is that i miss him. I wanna see him and hold him and never let go....but why.....that is a question which is still unanswered . I was crying..... really hard...it's felt suffocating so i went to the window.

at the window i saw him......crying and panting like me. After seeing him i felt like crying even more.....it's hurts.....hurts to see him like that .i don't know why though....something inside me tells me to hug him and kiss him and i don't know why....why do i feel this urges towards him? what are these feelings? What are you doing to me yoongi? I asked my self while staring at him..... the moon was shining upon his moon like face and it illuminated his features more...... beautiful.......that's all I can think of....he smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat i returned it and mouthed a goodnight and went to sleep.

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