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I mean yoongi hyung and aria are a good pair.

They are

I am happy for them

But why am I feeling different.

The moment I heard that aria and yoongi were eachother's childhood sweetheart I felt like crying. Do i seriously like aria? ...
Nah its just that she is cute

And hot

I'm just attracted to her

Yea that must be it.... It'll go away

All these thoughts vanished when tae called me

"Hey Jimin ah class is over wanna hang out?"
"Yea yea let's go"
"Why were you zoning out? anything on your mind?"
" Nah its just that maths class was boring"
" Hell it is"

We laughed it off and went out to meet the others in the park.


Me,tae,jin and namjoon met at the park while the others were on their way.
" Jimin ah how's that plan going?" Asked namjoon
" What plan?"
" The one to make yoongi confess"
" Oh.....that...i don't know guys i ran out of ideas"

There it is....that funny feeling. I do want yoongi to confess and be happy with aria but at the same time I don't know.

"Oh don't worry I have plenty of ideas" said tae

They made out a super plan while i stayed silent not to make my anger obvious.

"So...what are we waiting for let's excute the plan right now" namjoon said
"Hahah this is gonna be so fun" said jin

" Soo....Jimin you should excute the plan"

" Me? No...let namjoon do it "

" I would love to...but I'm not smooth with flirting so your the best candidate "

" Hey guys what are you up to?" Asked aria

" Finnally...we were waiting for so long" said tae

All of us here right now

Well.....i can't be the one for aria so might as well have fun while I can

" Hey aria"

" Yea mini"

"Wanna go buy icecream?"

"Ooo I want one" said tae with a knowing smirk
"Me too me too" said jk not knowing what I'm gonna do.

"Ok let's go"

While on our way to the mart i caught aria alone and whispered in her ear about our plan. I made sure yoongi sees me whispering in her ear.

I asked aria to laugh because yoongi was watching us.

The plan was not funny but aria understood and laughed along with me

We turned to look at a very irritated yoongi behind us. We laughed even more....he fumed even more.

We then bought our icecream and went outside to eat . We opened up the icecream and started eating them. Yoongi was having a casual convo with namjoon.

Now everyone knows the plan so though they were talking and laughing about silly things but they're eyes were on me,aria and yoongi.
I looked at aria signalling to start.

"Hey Jimin we bought the same type but different flavour"

"Oh....yea right....wanna try?" I asked with a flirty smirk

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