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I can't do this.....
We decided to watch a movie Hobi fell asleep half way aria and i was sitting on floor below the couch between us hobi sat on the couch.
I was really into the movie until I felt someones head on top of my shoulder.

I looked at her and did she look cute?......fucking yes.
I kept looking at her
Suddenly thoughts of all sorts flooded my mind. All these years i was aching to meet that girl in my dreams and now she is finally here. But i can't really remember why,how, and when she left.
Those dreams were vivid and the scenes were familiar only i don't remember some of it.

I'm sleepy

What should I do Now........i mean why disturb this cutie when I can join her in the dream land.
My cheeks squished against her head, my eyes close, i slept really peacefully.

Time skip ( few hours) brought to you by Jk' six packs

I was sitting in house watching TV, the wind from window slowly tracing my face, the mild sound of summer insects, a watermelon in my hand...... perfect.

A cat suddenly jumped in through my window I looked at it boy it was cute,it came near to me and jumped on my lap.it was kitten.....but it felt a bit heavier than a kitten should be.....but.....

My eyes shot open and I realised it wasn't a cat ........


I seems like I fell flat on the floor below the coach and she must have fallen over me......I then realised that her hands were over my stomach,holding my hips gently and her face pressed against my neck.....warm breath fanning onto my chest......her thighs moved bit closer.........I REALLY CAN'T HANDLE THIS.... I was getting hot while this cutie was sleeping soundly.

I looked up and saw hobi sleeping in the coach........this situation feels so wrong yet rare and dangerous.i really wanna make her................. mine.

I brush her hair with my hands....and her eyes slowly flutter open........and I froze

She gave me a fuzzy smile, "yoonie yah~"
And hugged me tightly....did not expect that....but I did return the hug. She looked up at me and i really just lost it.....her eyes were searching for


something dangerous..........


his lips were painfully closer to mine, his warm breath fanning my lips.

"Yoonie~ " i heard his breath hitch and his hold on my waist got tighter.

"Keep calling me like that and..... I'll loose it"

"Loose what?" I asked with smirk.

"My sanity....stop testing the waters kitty"

"Kitty? Look who's talking"
I chuckled "What now I'm a kitty?"

He giggled.

I've never felt more alive...i mean i never had a boy in my embrace. Just when I thought it was perfect.


I looked around and saw hobi stretching.
Shit I'm dead if he sees us like this.
I pushes yoongi under the couch and threw a blanket above me .
And i pretended that i just woke up.

"Is yoongi gone home?"

"I guess he did"

We're in deep shit now

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