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"Yoonie yah" she yelled while running and jumped on me knocking me of my feets "Ri-ri watch it you can hurt yourself" i said while chucking. She giggled and stood up and lend me a hand . "So...where are you going" she asked. " I was about to go out for practice " ."Your going to our hideout" she asked with excitement

"yes care to join " ."well yeah ...duh" . We went out while giggling.

"You'll definitely be star someday I sure of it" she said . I played for a while and now we were taking a break . "I hope so" i said and a blush creeped on to my face as an idea made its way to my mind. "Hey Riri do wanna try playing my piono.....you know we could....m-maybe make a melody?...it's ok if you don't want to"

"Are you kidding me...... I'd love to " she yelled "ok you know I'm not deaf right"
"Wanna become one?" She asked to which i laughed "no thanks "

She went and took her seat and patted the seat next to her indicating me to sit there . "So where do I start" she asked and started tapping the keys randomly. Without thinking I took her tiny precious hand in mine and guided her .

It's felt so soft and fragile i wanted to hold her like this forever. After awhile of playing we made a decent piece of music . suddenly she giggled and turned her head towards me......her lips..... inches away from mine. "I love it yoonie.When you become a star make sure to make a song with this melody i wanna be the first person to listen to it and oh maybe we can sing it together like a duet" she said.....

Her full moon eyes Now cresent shaped . Her bud like lips now in full bloom her pale white cheeks now tinted that rose....it's one heck of a scenery....as she......

She smiled .......at me

And thats all it took to melt my heart.

"anything for you Ri" i said.

I eyes shot open.

That melody is still fresh In my mind it's like i can never forget it. i worked on this melody for a long time I'm just waiting for her........ waiting for her to come back. ..........will she ever come though.......*sigh*.....

Even though I know it's a dream it always feels too real to be a real. These dreams are always vivid as if......it already happened before. Wait......this is not my room........wt-

I was about to freak out but then i realised

I was currently in hobi's house


"Omg I am famished" said aria "well ofcourse you are you ran through the beach like there was no tommorow" said hobi while laughing "I'm tired tooooo " said jimin and leaned on jin "trust me I can sleep right here right now" i said "aww then you'll become a stary cat then" said tae "shut up will ya unless you wanna end up being a stray dog" i said and aria laughed and i sneaked a peak of her happy face. Then my eyes met with Jin hyung with a smug face.....i don't know what he's thinking and I don't wanna know.... "Let have a sleepover " he said

End of flashback

I remember we had some soju and beer at the beach..... normally I'll be dead after I'm drunk (meaning I'd sleep through anything)

And thats how i ended up here i suppose.....

In her room.....

On her bed

Her blankets are soft

It's smells like her

Would have been better if she was next to me though


ok stop yoongi control ok it's nothing new it's just a girls room you may have never been to one but it's nothing big it's just room of a girl .......you like.........arghh just stop you stupid brain nothing is gonna happen your not gonna die.
It's around 7 pm now ig
I lazily got up not wanting to get out of her bed but I did. I don't actually remember what happened after we got here

"Oh your up" she asked. Calm down yoongi it's her house ofcourse she is here

"Y-yeah" i said "come on everyone's waiting downstairs they said it's not too late so let's play a game before sleeping"

I nodded and followed her downstairs

"There you are yoongi you passed out the second we got here " said jin hyung " and i had to carry you to noona's room as she said the couch was uncomfortable" said kookie . "Thanks kookie" i said and ruffled the cute boys head.

"So what game are we playing" asked namjoon " how about truth or dare" said jin with a smirk

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