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Currently : yoongi entered his house smile and blushing
His Grandma noticed this and smiled

Grandma: aigoo yoongi you came back
(Yoongi realised he was home. his smile disappeared...yoongi looked left and right looking for someone)
Grandma: don't worry they are gone
Yoongi: are they coming back? (no emotion)
Grandma: no they have a plane to catch
Yoongi: that's great to hear (sarcastic)
Grandma: yoongi.....you

Yoongi: no grandma I have had enough of them.....they won't even listen to me I mean what's wrong in doing what we like don't all creatures in the world deserve a chance....I am not going leave music (a bit louder)
Grandma: listen to me before you talk min yoongi(loud)
Yoongi: ......
Grandma: I was gonna say...... don't let down your Dreams for someone yoongi . your dreams will come true only if you believe in them even if the world seems to hate your dreams YOU have to love it and trust it...only then will you reach it.....do you understand yoongi

(With tears welled up in his eyes yoongi stood there silently)
Grandma: aigoo come here little one
(Grandma hugs yoongi and the fragile boy cried his heart out)
Yoongi: thank you...... Grandma
Grandma:your welcome dear.....But....
Yoongi: the but doesn't sound good (with a smile)
(Grandma smacked his arms)
Grandma: you also have to concentrate on your studies yoongi
Yoongi: I never said I won't study....(sigh)...it just won't come to me....
Grandma: well it's not your girlfriend to come running to you when you call

(Yoongi laughed at the comment and grandma giggled)
Grandma: by the way.....whose that girl
(Yoongi blushed at that and almost chocked at the question)
Yoongi: wh..at..what..girl?
Grandma: aaaa don't lie I saw you smile while entering the house you looked like a little lovestruck puppy 🤭
Yoongi: grandmaaaaa it's nothing like that (blushing) If i smile that doesn't mean I love a girl

Grandma: you know I used to be young too I went school too.....I know everything so don't act tough young man...(giggles)
Yoongi: seriously does anyone even look at you...the boys I mean
Grandma: aish this brat.....i used to get 20 love letters a day you know
Yoongi: oo really (sarcastic)
Grandma: this brat..... don't you want your dinner
Yoongi: I mean ofcourse you were beautiful you still are...I bet you got 100 letters each day...

(Grandma and yoongi started laughing)
Grandma: go on go to your room and study
Yoongi:....ah but..
Grandma:...I can't make dinner today I guess..
Yoongi: where are my books... don't come into my room I am about to do some really serious studying...(pulled up his sleeve and when to his room)
Grandma: this kid...(chuckled)

Yoongi: (while reading)...aah why is this stuff so boring.....(suddenly he got reminded of aria and her pretty face....)....stop Yoongi...don't do this (he hid his face)
Meanwhile there was a knock at the door grandma went to get it
Grandma: oh hello there kids...
Hoseok: Hello grandma we are new to this neighborhood and we just moved in today (he gives grandma the rice cakes his mother gave Him)
Grandma: oh how sweet...come in...... yoongi we have visitors....

(Aria peeps her head from behind hobi)
Aria: yoongi lives here?
Grandma: you know him?
Aria: yes he is my friend...
(Yoongi comes out of his room)
Yoongi: what are you doing here??
Aria: we came to give rice cakes
Hobi: we live next door...
(Yoongi's eyes meet aria's......she gave him a bright smile....his heart stoped for a minute)
Grandma: yoongi are you ok?
Yoongi:...huh?....yea..yeah I am fine... (Ohh boy Calm down yoongi)

The house on the left is yours and the one on the right is Yoongi's

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The house on the left is yours and the one on the right is Yoongi's. You can each other's rooms

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