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You were all getting closer and closer like a family.... went to school together and even had sleepovers you were beyond happy. The more close they get the more precious they become to you

Jk pov
Jk: noona wake up your late for school
(She is still sleeping cutely cuddling her blanket. She smiled while sleeping.....
Guess she is having a good dream.....cute)
(The others left and hobi hyung asked me to come to school with noona )
Aria: aaaa I wanna sleep more🤧
Jk: (laughing) you can sleep at school come on
Aria: alright alright I'll go.

(I was waiting in the hall for noona to come . She came downstairs.she wore her uniform and her hair was let loose and a piece of bread hanging in her mouth. Boy was she cute....but In school she gets all hot . She is named the Playgirl of the school for nothing one moment she is cute and one moment she is hot. I hate the boys just staring and howling at her my noona doesn't deserve those jerks)
Aria: let's go kookie
Jk: yeah

At school

Aria pov

Some random dude: gosh here comes the goddess
Another guy: why is she so damn hot and cute at the same time
Another boy: hoseok that damn jerk won't even let me stare at her
(Aria and jk heard all these . kookie was about to punch those guys but I hold him back)
Aria: well well look whose here a bunch of random dudes who are dying to lay their hands on me
Random dude : I will be glad to lay a hand on you
Aria: we will see about that
( He tried to grab me by my waist but I hold his hand and twisted it he was shouting like anything to be honest it feels so good to beat these punks i pushed him to the floor and steped on his back)
Aria: calling my brother a jerk...umm.... wasn't a good idea
Random dude: she is crazy let get out of here
Aria: come on it takes more than this to get a hot girl like me.

Jk: wow noona you were cool
Aria: ooo well feels good to be a cool sister (ruffled his hair) come on let's goo

(I opened the door and all the eyes was on me......it's usual for me then me and kookie took our seats. My seat was next to the window and kookie sat next to me
then the teacher came and started the lesson. Outside I saw some guys playing basketball and I saw a familiar figure it was yoongi.....he panting after playing he took a water bottle and poured the water over his head his pale skin was shimmering under the sun. He had a smile of victory on his face. Suddenly his eyes locked into mine he froze for a moment but then smiled at me I smiled back. He looked a bit flushed......cute......i feel strange when i see him ....like I have been searching for him for a long time.... strange isn't it)

Author pov

Jk: psst...psst...noona
Mr.kim: Ms.Jung....
(Your still looking at yoongi)
Mr.kim: (clears his throat) Jung aria
( You finnally snap out of it and stood up)
Aria: yes sir
Mr.kim: can your answer these questions on the board
Aria: Umm...
Mr.kim: mind getting your head in the game miss.Jung
Aria: sry sir
( whispering to jk)
Aria: why does hours feel like Years during his class gosh I am so done
Jk: you have no idea how hard I am trying to keep my eyes open
Aria: don't get me started on that
( Class got over and as soon as the teacher left you put your heads on kookie's shoulder and slowly you started to sleep)

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