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I wake up at the sound of my brother knocking on my door .......then I turn to see...no one ......FUCK.....those were all dreams?.....this is embarrassing and......disappointing..wait what no aria be a good kid.

"Bro give me 5 min I'll be down"

"Um.....okay.....are you ok?"
"I'm totally fine"
"Come down fast"

i wake up take a shower and just did my regular morning routine went down to meet taehyung having breakfast.

"good morning tae"

"hey there tiny"

i scoff "um rude...why did i even bother to say hi to you"

we laughed it off and we kept being a bitch to eachother and my bro was so done with us that he went with yoongi, joonie and jin to school before us. me and tae walked to school together from my house

on our way to school bickering and giggling with tae ,we had jimin and kookie join us. we were having so much fun doing stupid stuff on the way , i raced kookie and then jimin gave me a piggyback ride and tae stood in front of jimin asking to carry me and i denied and they continued to argue.....like we were standing at our school gate ...were people staring at us? obviously and i was shy and hid my face on jimins neck and hung onto him tighter then before out of embarrassment and suddenly he put me down which he denied earlier. i look at his face which is turning red now.

''ARE YOU ALRIGHT JIMIN YOU'RE RED" is he tired from carrying me? " why didn't you tell me im heavy now your are all sweaty...are you tired ?"

"no no no your not heavy .....its just.....nothing im fine lets just go to class."

"i call dibs on aria" kookie grabbed my hands and we ran to my classroom laughing and giggling.

"are you really okay jimin ah?"

"man...she's soft..."

'' w-wh-what? omg lol jimin your such a perv"

jimin blushed even more and tackled tae into a hug and laughed their way to the class.


on the way to school i noticed yoongi hyung looking out from the window of his class ,he was looking at jimin carrying aria. i think i saw envy on his face and maybe a lit bit of disappointment.....does he love jimin?....or does he want to be in his place?.

smirking i enjoyed the drama enfolding in front of me.

and when jimin said how aria felt on his back an idea popped out in my mind......i mean hyung just can't have her without a competition. omg this is so fun i gotta tell the others.

time pass brought to you by taetae's boxy smile {after school~}

chat group: house of 8 hoes 👻

me: guys lets meet at the park today @6

the cute grandpa: why?

cute hot hoe: sure


the cute brat: i did why is it not true guys?


the clumsy nerd:.........

the handsome one: .......

the strong maknae: ........


the handsome one: i mean your cute.....

the bright one: IMMA KILL YALL MFs

the cute grandpa: do yall wish to die

cute hot hoe: lol chill guys its ok i know im hot

the clumsy nerd: omg the confidence is turning me on

the cute grandpa: ewww shut it nerd

me: lol why is hobi hyung not reacting......joon hyung is so dead

cute hot hoe: no i talked to him he's meditating rightnow and lol sry i cant help joonie.

me: ok guys lets stop you talk shit later when we meet

strong maknae: okay done


At park

"Wow that's a great idea"

Right now aria is having fun in the swing with yoongi they're faces bright as the sun with pure joy its like the "fills your heart" kind of scene .


"Calm down hobi Aria isn't gonna stay single for the rest of her life is she?"

"Joons right hobi you need to stop being so over protective"

"So? I can't let you jerks play her"

"Come on hyung we are good guys and besides who said we were gonna play her she is too precious for that we're just gonna tease yoongi hyung"

"Yeah Tae's right, noona is too precious we'll take good care of her hyung we just need your permission now" says the maknae

Hobi said "....hmph....fine I trust you guys DO NOT MESS WITH HER THO OR YOUR DEAD"

"Haha... ofcourse we know we're dead. Jimin make sure aria knows that we're gonna tease yoongi so that it doesn't look like we are playing with her ok?" Said namjoon

"Leave it to me guys.....relax and enjoy the drama"

Author note
I know it's short.....but please wait until I brainstorm my mind for ideas😭

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