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"So.... That's how we got seperated?"

"Yea.....after that you'd always talk about going back to busan for some reason but mom and dad did not want you to meet yoongi again. You'd always wear that ring around not knowing who gave it to you. Our dad did not like to associate with the Min's but they were also not able to say Anything against this pure bond you share with yoongi, So we eventually came back here. Dad is still against the idea tho."

" Wow.... that's alot to take in" i said

" You kids must be hungry I'll go make something to eat" said grandma

" Oh yeah~ I'll help you grandma" hobi oppa went with grandma to help.

Me and yoongi sat in silence. We did not know what to say

"Wanna go sit in the garden for sometime?"
He asked me.

"Oh yeah sure"

We went to the backside of our house. The rooms floor extended to the garden so we sat down and let our feets hang down towards the grass.

"So?....we have to sort of this dream stuff now" he said.

I was actually thinking about that, the dreams were all about him leaving infact now they are not dreams, those

"I had these dreams before meeting you...but after I moved here...i have stopped dreaming everyday. I'm having these only on a certain days now."

" Well same here yoongi, so let's figure out the pattern....the obvious one is you were not there when I was dreaming about you. So now that we met.....we have lesser dreams..."

" So that means these dreams are trying to get us to meet?"

" I think so.....wait yea that makes sense. The day we had a sleepover was the first day i stopped dreaming about you. So as long are we are together we won't dream about it. So it makes sense that the dreams are trying to bring us together."

" All of this feels so surreal...no wonder I felt like I already knew you when we met."

" Yea I felt the same way..."

Omg why is this so awkwardly silent

" So...riri....we dating?"


I was flustered by this unexpected question but i tried to keep my cool

" Well....you gotta propose to me the right way"

" Ofcourse I will.....one day" he looked at me and gave me one of his best gummy smile

Gosh why so cute?

"I'm cute ?"

"Shit did I say that out loud?"

" Yep"

We laughed and talked for a few minutes before grandma and hobi oppa joined us with some snacks. We had a nice chat looking at the sky laughing about how grandma had to cook again because hobi burnt all the dishes.

Time skip brought to you by namjoon's illegal dimple


Currently on my way to school, I met the boys at the bus stop as usual which is a few mins away from school.
I saw aria and the boys standing there waiting for Jimin and tae i guess

"Hey there "

"Heyy hyung"  jk said while trying to give me a piggy back ride which I'm against.

"Come on grandpa I gotta care for you"

"This jerk" and we started running around

" Ahh yoongi you look energetic ....it's unusual " said Jin hyung

" Oh right I have something to say" i looked at aria and she gave me a knowing smile.

" What is it ?" Asked joonie

" We'll talk during lunch hour"

" Oh..okay"

Not long after that Jimin and tae joined us.

I told them to meet up at the rooftop for lunch.

.....time skip.....

"Heyy come on tae give me back my box I only had one dumpling"

"Don't be stingy Jimin i ate one too"

" Bitch you ate 4, come on give some for the others"

They some how managed to rip the box from tae's hands and shared among themselves quickly leaving tae to whine

"So? What is it yoongi?" Asked Jin hyung
"Yea you wanted to say something?" Asked namjoon

"The thing is..... y'all know the girl right? The one that left town few years ago"

All them had a serious face knowing how I have suffered after I lost her.

" Of course hyung" said kookie with a worried face

" Well...That is aria"


"Sheesh guys calm down"
They all turned and looked at aria catching her smiling at all this chaos

"Well?...care to explain?" Asked taehyung

And I told them everything hobi and grandma said to me.

"Damn....so much has happened huh?"  Jk said


"So? Y'all dating?" Asked jin hyung


"Well yoongi you ran around saying that you'd marry her one day when you were little remember?" Said Namjoon

"Ahhh hyung stop it will yaaaaa"

" You said that yoongi?" Asked a giggling aria

Well I did nothing but blush

" Well... technically we exchanged rings so....and YOU were the one who said I'll marry you"

" I did?"

" Yess you did when we played the piano"

"Speaking of piano.... weren't we suppose to get the results Today?" Asked aria

"Huh? What results" asked Jimin

"The contest....were yoongi played piano and i sang"

"Yall are definitely getting the first place...you were both awesome" said Jimin.

" I think the results will be out next week....heard from the student concil" said namjoon

" Oh..ok then"

Then we chatted for a long time about random things before going back to hell......a math class after lunch? Seriously?.....well it's not like I listened I slept anyway, but felt bad for the others.

Author's note

Consistency is like the sky.......I just can't reach it😭 that bitch hates me. Anyways thanks for bearing with me🙃

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