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Man was school exhausting.... well tell me about it . the amount of work my brain has done is hugee.....I need a break

I went straight to my bed and plopped down right next to my brother who is now sleeping in peace seriously we just got back it took him like 3min to sleep....my bro amazing isn't he ....i turned and faced him . I saw him sleep peacefully . the light form sunset was peeking through the curtain and reached my face and my brother's face now it literally looks like my bro is shining....and my little brain decided to make him even pretty....here comes my marker

I just got home form school and I went straight to my bed and was about to sleep but the sunlight was getting in so I got up to close my curtains then I saw her....she was pretty as if it wasn't enough the sunlight made her shine even more. Her features even pretty being highlighted by the light.......i can stare all day...

but i decided to not be a creep and then i noticed her mischievous smile as she rushed out of the bed and brought a something looking like a pen and she started to draw on her brothers face and it's seems like his brother woke up and that girl threw her pen outside and pretended like she was doing nothing

their window was open and due to sunlight hobi turned to close the window and i saw his face....and.....i can't control......Pfft...i laughed out really loud

I was sleeping peacefully and suddenly I felt itchy on my face so I woke up to see my sis just sitting in front of me.....weirdo.

the sunlight was on my face and i decided to close the window when i turned around and saw yoongi.....he starting laughing really loud.....what's so funny.
"Hey yoongi what's so funny" i shouted and heard another laugh behind me....it's my sis

"What happened to you" I asked and she laughed even more along with yoongi

"What's wrong with y'all" and i started laughing.

"Your funny right now" said yoongi laughing

"I get that a lot. Thanks i guess I'm funny" i said and they started laughing again

my sis brought a mirror to my face and.....What the heck....

It was a mess we were a laughing mess... my pillows are all over my place and my hair was a mess so was my brother's .we are now panting due the amount of energy we spent in the pillow fight.

And we eventually fell on the bed and fell asleep cuddling

They're cute...wish i had siblings..

no i don't want one cuz it seems like it needs a lot of energy so...nope I'm good alone

"Buzz" my phone starting buzzing like crazy so i decided to check what it is

Jin created a group "House of 8 hoes👻"

The clumsy nerd🤓: what's this hyung

The handsome one✨: it's a new chat group

Me: duh like we don't know. what for though?

The clingy one😀: to chat duh🤣

Me: watch it you brat

The cute brat😊: tae don't get yourself in trouble bitch😂

Aria🤍 : lol guys😂

The cute brat☺️: omg aria is here

Aria🤍: why you don't want me here🥺

The cute brat☺️: no no Its just that i called tae a bitch in front of you...so....

Aria🤍: bitch i am not a child like i can curse too

The cute brat☺️: wtf really 😂glad to have 8 curse buddies

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