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Aria pov
I woke up with all my brothers surrounding me they were all giggling......umm I sense something wrong.....i quickly pulled out my phone and there it was........a masterpiece on my face by Jimin his hands had some traces of black ink. I looked up to see seven devil's in an angels disguise I pulled out my water bottle and they better run because the next thing i am about to do is gonna make them wet (innocence pls I am just a kid 👀)
Yoongi pov
She looked like a 🐼 so cutee.....ahem....I mean not that cute but still.... actually I was the one who gave that idea and I drew half of it while Jimin drew the other half but since Jimin had some ink on his hands she thought Jimin was the one who drew it.... which is funny to watch....I have to say this is so much fun.....
Another pov
Aria was chasing Jimin around the class. the class was lively as they all started laughing at these grown up kids running around the hall but then Jimin said "yoongi hyung is the one who started this" aria stoped on her tracks and Yoongi's eyes where now wide open....the next minute he began to run and so did aria they ran too far and reached the music class the class was now empty. Aria was standing there eager to pour water on yoongi...
Yoongi pov
What have I got my self into.....a lion's den....the class is empty... sound of our heavy breathing filled the silence sweat drip down her face her white shirt drenched in sweat....yoongi ya control yourself what are doing stop looking and run.... somehow my legs froze. The cold liquid hit my face followed by a sweet laugh of victory.....fine you win aria.....

Aria pov
I look at him....he does the same.....when ever I look into his eyes I get deja vu...I have feeling that we know eachother for a long time but I don't quite remember when. The feeling while watching him from distance make me wanna cry and go run to him and hug him...i don't know why...I have been controlling my urge to hug him....why yoongi... Do you know me?
Author pov
Aria successfully completed her mission of pouring water on yoongi and now she is on her way to her class with a smile on her face . Yoongi followed her while smiling and drying himself. On her way she poured some water on the floor while running and was about to slip on it.
Yoongi's pov
Oh now she gonna fall

Aria pov
Ooh no I am gonna fall....... suddenly a cold pair of hands caught me i turned around to see yoongi.....slow down my heart is about to burst what is happening...he caught me but seems like it was too late as yoongi slipped on the water too and......thud.......i landed my back on the cold floor....it hurts.....i open my eyes and.......woah...hold on this is not happening....was he always this beautiful. Yoongi's face was too close i sure he heard my heart beat....the sunlight form the window hit his face....a moon in daylight...i cringe at myself at the thought...it was like he was starring at my soul which had left my body a while ago

Yoongi pov
Calm down yoongi.....o God why is she so pretty.....i can't ....i....i wanna...kis...NO... yoongi ya are you mad get up and help her you idiot.....but still I wish i could stay like this forever. As I was saying jk really knows how to ruin my moment.

Jk: oh my god noona are you alright
(Very innocent jk does not find anything wrong) ( if it we're the others they would have made fun of Yoongi 😅)
Aria: yeah yeah I am fine....mind getting up (flushed)
Yoongi: ooh .....I AM SO SORRY.....(embarassed) here hold my hand...
(Aria stood up with the help of his hands)
Jk: be careful noona
Aria: yeah yeah I know....let's go class is about to start.you Better not tell the others that I fell
Jk: ok noona but I want banana milk
Aria: you sure know make a living ( ruffle his hair) fine I'll buy it let's goo
Yoongi: sorry
(Aria turned around and mouthed a " It's okay" and smiled)
Yoongi in mind: how does she smile so brightly....
Yoongi: nods and smiles

and with that the rest of the day goes boring and filled with maths.....gosh i hate that Maths 😐

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