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"Aria your not wearing that" i said as all the other boys were beet red some stared at her while some pretend to look somewhere else
"What! Why it's cute... come on oppa" she said . I can't believe this girl I can't have men starting at my lil sis like that

It was pink one piece honestly this was by far the best and it was not too revealing i mean swimsuits are meant to be revealing ! "Aww Hyung come it cute" said jimin and hobi glared at him immediately making him shut his mouth
"Aren't swimsuits meant to be revealing" said a shy jungkook "even jungkook knows it come on oppa" i said . He let out a sigh and said "alright but get a white one you have too many pink one" he said and I went to get a white one. I heard jin whisper"But pink was cute..." And i quietly giggled looking at the cute reaction of the boys. I can't see yoongi though where is he

I can't......my heart is beating way to fast am i going to die. Right now I'm in the bathroom inside the mall after seeing aria in her pink swimsuit i felt butterflies in my stomach. The suit was sticking to her skin making her curves visible.....i am going nuts this is crazy. I met lot of girls i avoided them like it was a piece of cake even though they were pretty but aria....i seemed to be under a spell. I can't peel my eyes of her i was attracted to her like a magnet ever since she came around she had been i my mind 24/7 and it's not good it's driving me crazy. Its Wierd that i get a sense of deja vu around her. Like i have been waiting for her for a long time .....i don't why. Who exactly are you Aria? What are you doing to me......

Yoongi came out of the restroom and the boy's then continued their shoping and brought the clothes and then they all went home together

I quickly ate my dinner and went to bed my bro kissed me good night and my mum came and kissed us both good night
" Can't wait for tommorow huh?" He asked. "Yeah I'm excited i can't sleep " i said giggling. "Are you still having those dreams aria?" He asked "yeah but it's different each time before i used have the same dream repeating every night but after we moved here I'm having new dreams but one remaining unchanged " i said "what is it?" He asked " Him......he always comes and tells me something and i feel overwhelming hearing it but i can't remember it once i wake up" i said "what about his face?...still not clear?" he asked "No i only know that he is pale white and kinda cute... he seems like he is 6 year old and so do i" i said. "Could be him" he said to himself and i didn't hear him clearly "what did you say?" I asked "uh.. nothing go to sleep sunshine tommorow is a big day" he said "goodnight oppa" i Said and closed my eyes and we drifted to sleep
Soft laughter filled the air. I was running somewhere in a land filled with green grass and Daisy flowers and dandelions . I stopped in the middle of the field panting due to the heavy running I did. I crouched down and took a dandelion and blew on it. It flew into the air and looking at it was peaceful. Suddenly I hear a voice calling out to me "aria-yah~ wait for me" . The small boy came running to me and bend down next to me to breathe he slowly looked at me a shot me a innocent gummy smile....i suddenly hugged him...in his embrace i felt.......complete.....like i found my missing piece. "Where were you....i- i thought i-...i-los-lost you...." i said while crying in his chest. He stroked my head gently " I'm here aren't i " he said while chucking he gently pulled away and said "i am always here" and wiped my tear as that was about to fall from my eyes but the tear form his eyes fell. He pulled out something shiny from his pocket it looked like a ring....its was gold coloured ring with a single white stone engraved in it. He took my small hand in his and slid the ring into my ring finger it was breathtaking . He gave me another ring with a black stone in it and gave me his hand indicating me to put the ring on his fingers i smiled to myself and slid the ring onto his pale white finger. "It's my family ring wear it all the time and don't remove it I want you to remember me throughout your life" he said "i will never forget you..... never....." I said while a single tear fell down my cheek. He hugged me tightly as if he feared letting me go "promise me you'll find me " i said while i tried not to break "i promise.... I'll come find you even if i have to go to the end of the world aria.... I'll find you and we'll be together...i am yours your mine.... forever" he said and hugged me tighter

My brother appeared from nowhere and dragged me along with him but far from the boy. Besides me struggling to get out of his grip and shouting my lungs out to let me go he completely ignored and me and continued to drag me with him..the boy kneeled to the ground and cried his eyes out. It broke my heart to see him like that. Just as the boy was about to disappear out of my sight i saw him smile weakly he said "I'll come find you...i will...wait for me..........Aria-yah"
I jerked and got up from my bed panting heavily my eyes filled with tears.....I can't. I caressed the ring on my finger....who are you?...why did you cry?....why am I dying to meet you? When will you find me?.....i cried my eyes out while asking those questions to myself. I stood up from my bed and went my window to get some air as i felt suffocating. In front of me was..... yoongi.... he was also breathing heavily and it looks like he cried too we stood there bewildered . We stared at eachother lost in the moment


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Hey guys.... happy 9th anniversary to all army's out there it's such a happy day today 🥳🥳🥳. Did you cry while learning cuz idid. Funny right but I'm emotional type so don't judge me😂.....i know it's childish btw let me know how you feel about this story in the comments 😆i hope you support me i will continue to write many stories if I can. Also do you want me to start a new story? cuz I have one. if you want me too then let me know who should be the male lead in the comments

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