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Saw HIM in my dream today....now it feels normal. Seeing the same dream over and over again and crying and panting at night was troublesome but not having it was even more troublesome.....

Hmm... emotions... their crazy you know.

So i got ready for school as usual and went out with my bro. All the others came to our meeting point the playground at the end of the street and now we're walking to school together
"Oh man holy shit" jk shouted. "Mind your language little man...what are you shouting for" asked jin . "I forgot to do my homework" said jk. "Kid what did i tell you last night COMPLETE YOUR DAMN HOMEWORK that's what I said" said namjoon. Jk huffed and puffed as he was annoyed and it looked kinda cute like a bunny scrunching his nose
"Leave the poor baby alone.... I'll help you kookie" i said. He immediately smiled and crushed me in a big hug "argh i love you so much tqs noona"

"Ahem" yoongi and hobi both glared at jk
"Mind leaving her alone" said hobi. " Come on oppa he is mah little bro don't scold him" i said "that's right back of" jk said and made funny faces at them

"You brat" said hobi and started chasing jk while the youngest was laughing his heart out.

"Hey Aria do you wanna join us during lunch after class today we're going to get some icecream" asked Tae " im afraid i can't Miss. Lily wanted to meet me today for some work... I'll come by if I'm free"
"Ah what a bummer " said Jimin

Later at lunch

"Excuse me miss. Lily " . "Come in aria I've been waiting. So the thing is our school has arranged a festival this year as a way to attract students and convince them in joining our school next year. And our class has to organise a program....we have only got singing as an option as all the other classes has taken drama and other stuff. I want you to sing this year"
She said.
"Miss.Lilly......i- "

Am i dreaming?!!! I mean I love singing but I'm nervous to do this. As if she read my mind she said

"don't worry a senior student would accompany you. You should go meet him today. Miss.lee recommended him. He plays piono it seems I want you to meet him and practice well now go"

I'm on my way to see him. Seriously I'm so nervous just thinking about going on stage. I entered into the classroom where I was supposed to meet my senior.

I opened the door and ........Pure shock on my face

"Oh aria...Hi....don't tell me .........are you the one who's gonna sing!!?"

"Are you the one who plays Piono"

Well this shit is getting intresting 😂 stay tuned guys .
And I'm sorry for delaying my update my lazy ass just didn't have the strength😅 bare with me💜

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