Your Name On My Wrist *Tyrus*

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TJ looked down at his wrist, his finger tracing over the letters just like it had done so many times before. 


The name was printed on his wrist with vines of honeysuckles wrapping around and through it.

It appeared when Cyrus introduced himself at the swings.

Since then TJ used long sleeves or a bracelet cuff to cover the marking.

TJ looked up again to where Cyrus was standing with Jonah at his locker, the two of them laughing and smiling.


TJ flinched and pulled his sleeve down quickly, turning to Buffy standing at his side.

"I hate you,"TJ said. 

Buffy just smiled at him.

"So, you got a mark,"Buffy said, "That explains the bracelet that doesn't seem to be your style. Who is it?"

"None of your business,"TJ said, glancing down at her own wrist with the vines of lilacs that emphasized the name 'Marty'.

"What's going on?"

TJ snapped his gaze to meet Cyrus's.

"TJ won't tell me what name is on the mark he apparently has,"Buffy said. 

"Driscoll,"TJ exclaimed.

"You got your mark,"Cyrus said, looking up at him, "Since when?"

TJ could see the hurt in his best friend's eyes.

"I don't know who it is,"TJ said quickly, "I just, don't like soulmates okay."

"I get it,"Cyrus said, "I don't either."

TJ tried not to show his sadness in the confession on his face.

"You two are impossible,"Buffy commented.

Jonah walked up to them, now with Andi hand in hand.

"What are we talking about,"Jonah asked.

"Soulmates,"TJ said before Buffy could say anything, "Cyrus and I are non-believers."

"I was a non-believer for a long time too,"Jonah said, "Then I met Andi and everything just clicked. I finally felt like myself."

Andi squeezed his hand, their wrists wrapped with vines of yellow roses.

TJ had heard the story, how the two properly met in 7th grade, and of course were marked as soulmates, and tried dating before they figured it out.

The two were platonic soulmates, considering Jonah didn't actually feel romantic attraction and had felt weird his entire life before Andi assured him it was okay.

He wished his soulmate story could be as beautiful as that.

TJ hadn't even noticed that Marty had joined the group, now walking with an arm around Buffy.


TJ looked to Cyrus.

"Everything alright,"Cyrus asked.

"Yeah,"TJ said, "I'm fine. Just a little spacey."

TJ didn't notice when they were no longer walking with the group, the high school long gone as he and Cyrus walked down the sidewalk next to each other.

"I noticed,"Cyrus said, "Is it about the whole soulmates thing? If you want to talk about it I'll listen."

"I don't really want to talk about it,"TJ said, "Sorry."

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