Halloween *Wonah*

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*Walker's P.O.V.*

I can't believe Jonah wanted to do a costume for a party with me.

We were doing peanut butter and jelly. He was jelly and I was peanut butter.

The Kippens were having a huge party and Jonah had invited me.

Jonah's mom picked me upand drove me to Amber's house.

"Have fun,"She called as the we walked up to the door.

We walked in and saw that is wasn't a huge party but there was a good amount of people.

"Jonah,"Cyrus said coming out of the crowd with his hair slicked back and wearing a gray jacket, pants, and dress shoes.

"Who are you supposed to be,"I asked,"James Bond?"

"Not quite,"Cyrus said,"It's from a musical I like. It's a James Bond type character."(anyone know who I'm referring to. It's Tin Can Brothers.)

We followed Cyrus through the crows to the kitchen where TJ, Amber, Andi, Buffy, and Marty all were.

TJ immeadiatly threw his arm over Cyrus' shoulders, his hair also slicked back and in a brown jacket, pants, and dress shoes.

"Peanut Butter and Jelly are in the house,"Jonah said.

"Finally, we needed some sandwiches that weren't blt's,"Marty said.

The group laughed and talked for a little bit while snacking.

"Ooo, I love this song. Come on Walker,"Jonah said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room and onto the dance floor.

Jonah was dancing and singing now.

"Oh don't you dare look back, just keep you're eyes on me,"Jonah sang like an angel,"I said you're holding back, shut up and dance with me."

He focused the last line on me and started dancing with me.

Jonah Beck was dancing with me!

*Jonah's P.O.V*

I had finally done it. I'd worked up the confidence to be around Walker.

And then I had asked him, well, pulled him to dance.

This was one of my favorite songs and I could play it on the guitar.

After the song ended I was a little overwhelmed by how many people were around me.

I hadn't noticed when I was dancing with Walker.

"W-Walker,"I said tugging on his shirt as we were pushed closer.

"Yeah Jonah,"Walker said.

"C-Can we find someone less crowded,"I said beginning to breathe more heavily as the room started spinning.

"Of course,"Walker said grabbing my hand in his and guiding me through the crowd.

Eventually we ended up in the back yard where nobody was.

"T-Thanks,"I said starting to calm down from my brief panic attack.

"Why didn't you tell me you had panic attacks and didn't like crowds,"Walker asked.

"I'm usually fine with crowds but I didn't tell you about my panic attacks because I thought you would think differently of me,"I explained.

"Of course not,"Walker said looking at me.

I reach out and interlace my fingers with his.

*Walker's P.O.V*

I'm holding Jonah Beck's hand.

He reached out for my hand.

I slowly lay my head down on his shoulder close to me, and squeeze his hand tight.

"T-Thanks for being there Walker,"Jonah says to me,"I really care about you."

*Jonah's P.O.V*

"I really care about you too,"Walker responds.

We both turn to look at each other, before I start blushing and hide my face.

"Could we, you know, could we go on a date sometime,"I ask.

"I would love to,"Walker said,"But for right now I like sitting out here under the stars with you."

"Me too,"I say as we both lay down.

Walker's head finds mine and they rest together watching the stars.

Our in twined hands in between us.

Sometimes all you need is a someone who you know is there, you know you can count on.

And other times you need someone who you know you live, and loves you back.

I'm kind of hoping Walker is the second one.

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