I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 1 *Tyrus*

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TJ attempted to throw the ball into the hoop but missed for the thousandth time.

The gym doors opened and closed.

"TJ,"Buffy said.

"What do you want Buffy,"TJ asked not turning to face her.

"I want to know why you totally ditched Cyrus on costume day,"Buffy said.

TJ continued to attempt to shoot baskets while saying,"I just thought it was going to look stupid and no one would get it."

"Yeah but you still could have given him a heads up since you suggested the costume,"Buffy said.

"Look, I'm sorry Buffy,"TJ said missing another basket.

"Sorry isn't enough TJ. And I'm not the one you should even be saying that to,"Buffy stated,"There has to be something else that made you bail on Cyrus. He's really upset and you wouldn't do that to him."

"Buffy, you know more than anyone that I'm a jerk and upset people all the time,"TJ stated missing yet another basket.

"I used to think that you were a jerk TJ. And I still think you can be. But you would never upset Cyrus,"Buffy said.

"You're right Buffy,"TJ said turning to face her,"I would never hurt Cyrus and I would never want to. To know that I'm the one that let him down kills me inside."

"TJ,"Buffy started.

"Cyrus is amazing and doesn't deserve to ever be upset. And I'm the one that continously makes him upset,"TJ said.

Buffy didn't respond just stared at TJ.

"And as much as I know it would be better for him if I just stayed out of his life,I can't,"TJ said.

"Why,"Buffy asked.

"Because I love him,"TJ screamed before turning to the basket and finally landing the ball in the hoop.

TJ dropped to the ground and buried his face into his hands.

Buffy rushed over to him, kneeling in front of him.

"Hey, It's okay TJ,"Buffy said.

"No it's not Buffy. I really upset him and he can't forgive me for that,"TJ said.

"Yes he can and he will,"Buffy said.

"I can't let him forgive me. I don't deserve him,"TJ said.

"You are quite posibly the most stubborn person I know,"Buffy said causing TJ to look up.

"Thanks,"TJ said sarcastically.

"You should tell Cyrus that you've messed up and explain to him why you bailed,"Buffy said.

"I bailed on him because I was worried what we would look like Buffy. He shouldn't forgive me for that,"TJ said.

"Apologize. And then tell him how you feel,"Buffy said.

"I-I can't. He'll reject me and never speak to me again,"TJ said.

"He's not speaking to you now. So just tell him everything you told me and I'm positive he won't hate you,"Buffy said grabbing TJ's hands in hers.

"Why are you being so nice to me Buffy. You've always hated md,"TJ said.

"I did. Until I saw how happy you make Cyrus. He's my best friend and more important than anything to me,"Buffy said,"I like to seem him happy."

"Thanks Buffy, you're a really good friend,"TJ said.

A figure looked in from the outside of the gym window.

Andi raced into The Spoon sliding into the booth across from Cyrus.

"Cyrus. You won't believe what I just saw,"Andi exclaimed,"I saw Buffy and TJ together in the gym and they were holding hands."

"What,"Cyrus exclaimed.

"Yeah, they were sitting on the ground and we're holding each others hands,"Andi said,"I wonder if they're dating?"

"I guess they are,"Cyrus said.

"We can ask her,"Andi said looking to where Buffy had entered and sat down next to Andi.

"Hey guys,"Buffy said.

"Hey Buffy. So I just walked by the gym and saw you and TJ holding hands,"Andi said.

"You saw that,"Buffy exclaimed.

"So you guys are dating,"Cyrus said sadly.

"No Cyrus. We're not dating. I went in there to confront him about why he bailed on you for costume day and he was really upset about it. I was just comforting him,"Buffy said,"And he really wants you to meet him at the swings to talk."

"When,"Cyrus asked.

"Now,"Buffy answered.

"And you're sure it's a good idea,"Cyrus said hesitantly standing up.

"I'm positive,"Buffy said.

The second Cyrus walked out the door Buffy turned to Andi and exclaimed,"TJ is going to ask Cyrus out!"

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