Know-it-all meet Bossy Pt. 2 *Muffy*

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When Marty walked back into the common room, slumping, Andi ran over to him.

"What happened,"Andi asked,"She didn't feel the same way?"

"I didn't ask her,"Marty responded,"I saw her with someone. She has a boyfriend."

"Hey Marty,"Buffy called out in the hall when he was passing by.

Marty looked up to meet her eyes before his head fell back down, but he made his way over to Buffy.

"Hi,"Marty greeted softly.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong,"Buffy asked noticing his lack of energy and positivity.

"I'm fine,"Marty said.

"I think something is wrong with Marty,"Buffy said walking with Jonah and Walker down the hall.

Walker was in hufflepuff and Buffy had finally gotten him and Jonah together.

They held hands, swinging them back and forth.

"What do you think could've happened,"Jonah asked.

"Do you think he asked someone out and they rejected him,"Walker suggested,"I know I'd be acting strange if Jonah rejected me."

Jonah smiled, pecking his boyfriend on the cheek.

"Maybe,"Buffy said.

They turned a corner and saw Andi, who they knew was Marty's best friend.

"Hey, Andi,"Buffy called out.

The girl looked up from where she had been reading and made her way to the group.

"You must be Buffy. Marty talks about you alot,"Andi said.

"Has something been up with him lately,"Buffy asked,"He's seemed off."

"I really shouldn't tell you,"Andi said,"Let's just say that his heart broke for the first time."

Buffy got that Marty felt heartbroken but she didn't know by who.

And she was wondering why he didn't come to her.

They had gotten pretty close and she felt that she could be entirely open with him.

Maybe he didn't feel the same way about her.

Marty had to get over it.

Even though he felt really lousy and upset, he wanted to keep being Buffy's friend.

He started trying to work himself up to talk to her again and finally went up to her in the hallway.

"Hey,"Marty greeted,"I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you lately. Just some things with me and I needed some time to just...."

"Who rejected you,"Buffy asked cutting him off.

"W-What,"Marty stuttered.

"Who rejected you when you asked them out,"Buffy said,"I asked Andi and she only said someone rejected but she didn't say who."

Marty stayed silent, looking down.

"I just wanted to say that whoever it was didn't know what they were missing out on,"Buffy said,"You're nice, smart, funny, and handsome."

Marty's head shot up at the last part.

"Hey Buffy,"Walker called walking over to the pair.

"Hey Walker,"Buffy called,"This is Marty. Marty this is Walker."

"Nice to meet you,"Walker greeted.

Marty just nodded in response, clearly a little upset.

"Hey Buffy, Marty,"Jonah said walking up to the group.

Before Marty could ask why Jonah hadn't greeted Walker, Jonah kissed Walker on the cheek.

Walker immeadiatly blushed causing Jonah to blush as well.

Now Marty was confused, he thought Buffy was going out with Walker.

The pair of boys left, leaving Marty and Buffy alone.

"Wait, I thought you and Walker were dating,"Marty said.

"What gave you that idea,"Buffy asked.

"I saw you hug him in the hallway and you looked so close and comfortable with each other,"Marty said.

"I am comfortable with him, we grew up together,"Buffy said,"He hugged me because I got him and Jonah together and he was happy. We both feel like siblings to each other."

Marty felt bad that he had assumed anything.

"Wait, do you care because you were jealous,"Buffy asked.

"No,"Marty tried but it was clearly a lie.

"Marty, am I the one who rejected you,"Buffy asked.

"Look, I really like you okay. We became so close once we stopped hating each other but I always wanted it to be more but was afraid of ruining our friendship. And then when I had finally worked up the courage to tell you how I feel I saw you and Walker and then I got really upset and my heart broke,"Marty gushed.

"Marty,"Buffy started.

"Stop, please. I don't need to here the whole we can still be friends thing,"Marty said,"I want to try to be friends."

"Marty,"Buffy said,"I would say yes if you asked me out. I like you too. You're very smart, nice, and funny."

"Really,"Marty said.

"Yeah,"Buffy said.

"I guess I just thought because you're funny, smart, confident, and have so many others skills you wouldn't be interested in a guy like me,"Marty said.

"A guy like you is the only guy I would ever want to date,"Buffy said making Marty blush.

"Okay, now stop with all the feelings,"Marty said,"It's making my head hurt."

"Agreed,"Buffy said,"We'll talk about us later. Now, what is this about you being jealous over me."

"Buffy,"Marty started, rolling his eyes.

"What, I'm just trying to get to know you better,"Buffy said,"I didn't think you'd be the jealous type."

Marty groaned as they walked down the hallway, shoulders bumping occasionally.

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