Back To School Boyfriends *Tyrus*

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"Let's go back to school shopping,"Cyrus said.

"For what,"TJ asked groaning.

"Let's just go look around the mall,"Cyrus begged,"Please?"

He made his puppy dog face and TJ just sighed.

"You know I can't resist that face,"TJ said,"Fine, let's go."

TJ drove the pair to the mall and they began to walk around.

TJ had his arm slung around Cyrus' shoulders as they window shopped.

"Oooo, look,"Cyrus said walking towards the back of a store as TJ followed him.

He had found a Harry Potter section and was looking through all the t-shirts.

"Ooooooo. Look,"He said pulling out a button up yellow shirt that said, Haters Gonna Hate on it with a badger.

"You should definetely get that,"TJ said.

"Oooo, look TJ,"Cyrus said showing him a Slytherin hoodie.

"You are not a Slytherin Cy,"TJ said.

"No, but you are. And then I can steal your hoodie sometimes,"Cyrus said.

"Okay,"TJ said.

"We should wear these on the first day of school,"Cyrus said.

TJ only nodded, putting his arm back around the boy as they walked around the mall.

"Has TJ asked you to be his boyfriend yet,"Buffy asked as she sat either Cyrus and Andi at the Spoon.

"No, we're not even dating,"Cyrus said,"And he's not into guys."

"Ohh, please. You're wearing his hoodie,"Andi said,"That's a total boyfriend thing."

"He doesn't want me to be his boyfriend,"Cyrus said.

The two girls across from him just stared, their eyebrows up.

"Hey Muffin,"TJ said coming into the Spoon and sitting down next to Cyrus.

"Muffin huh, I thought he was Underdog,"Buffy said.

"Yeah, but he's also my muffin,"TJ said putting his arm around Cyrus.

The girls just turned to look back towards Cyrus.

"So TJ, We were all thinking of going to see a movie later. Buffy was going to invite Marty and I was going to invite Amber, what if you went with Cyrus,"Andi suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be great,"Cyrus said to TJ and then turning to the girls,"Then I wouldn't feel like a fifth wheel."

The girls let out a defeated sigh.

"So, what movie are we going to see,"TJ asked.

"Oh no,"Cyrus said putting his head down on the table and hiding his face.

"Has anyone ever told you what Cyrus' favorite movie genre is,"Buffy asked.

"Please stop,"Cyrus said, his voice muffled from under his hoodie.

"No, but I'd love to know,"TJ said.

"Cyrus loves rom-coms,"Andi said,"Whenever there is a new one out he always drags Buffy and I to it. Now that we're both in relationships it's easier to make it through them."

"Stop, please stop,"Cyrus said, still hiding in the hoodie.

Eventually they all made it to the movie they were seeing and Cyrus had saved TJ a seat as he went with Marty to get snacks for everyone.

Meanwhile, Cyrus and the girls all chatted about the movie and what they were expecting.

When Marty and TJ came back they all quieted down and chatted with the people sitting next to them.

"I got you extra salty, lightly buttered popcorn with a pink lemonade and some sweetarts,"TJ said.

"You know me so well,"Cyrus said.

As the movie began, Cyrus was immeadiatly fixated onto the screen.

TJ didn't exactly love the movie but he sat through it knowing Cyrus was loving it.

At some point Cyrus reached over and hesitantly reached towards TJ's hand.

TJ took Cyrus' hand, interlocked their fingers, and rested it between the two of them.

After the movie was over the two boys walked out of the theatre with everyone else.

"Spoon,"Amber asked,"I get discount employee milkshakes."

"I've gotta get home,"Cyrus said.

"I'll walk you there,"TJ said.

The boys headed in the opposite direction as the others, TJ eventually taking Cyrus' hand into his on.

"Do you wanna go out with me sometime,"TJ asked.

"Yeah,"Cyrus responded,"That'd be great."

"Okay,"TJ said,"I guess we'll figure it out after school starts?"

"Yeah,"Cyrus said,"Oh, we're still on for wearing the Harry Potter stuff on the first day right?"

"Of course,"TJ said,"I'll wear my Slytherin hoodie and you'll wear your hufflepuff shirt."

"And then I'll steal your hoodie because I'll get cold and then you'll say something like, 'you're so cute in my hoodie Cy,'"Cyrus said mocking TJ.

"I think that's exactly how it'll go down,"TJ said,"Now, you better get inside before your parents freak out."

"Okay,"Cyrus said walking towards his front door,"Goodnight TJ."

"Goodnight Muffin."

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