I Don't Care *Tyrus*

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"I don't care about you Cyrus! You're such a dorky weirdo. You're disgusting! Don't ever talk to me ever again!"

TJ spat at Cyrus before he walked off the other way.

Cyrus weakly and quietly whispered,"TJ?"

Cyrus gasped, sitting up in his bed. His body was sweaty and he quickly threw the covers off of him.

He stood up and looked at his clock.

2:13 a.m.

Cyrus walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water against his face.

Then he ran his hand through his disheveled hair while walking back into his room.

2:15 a.m.

Cyrus sat down on his bed and looked over to the journal next to the bed.

He turned on the lamp on his bedside table before picking up the journal and the pen next to it.

He opened to the next empty page and wrote the date and then the time.

2:18 a.m.

March 4th, 2019
2:18 a.m.

I just had a really scary nightmare. TJ was yelling at me after I came out to him. He called me disgusting and weird. He told me not to talk to him anymore.

I thought that TJ would be another crush I could get over super fast but it hasn't been like that.

TJ is the most adorable thing ever. Have you seen the way he runs his hand through his hair and how his smirk can lighten up your day? And the ways his eyes laugh and smile as brightly as the sun.

Not to mention how funny and sweet he actually is when you get to know him. I never thought I would be friends with him but he actually wants to be friends with me, I hope.

I don't know if I could deal with the thought of TJ hating me. Which is why I can't ever come out to him.

I can't ever tell him that I'm gay or that I like him. And I definetly cannot tell anyone else but this journal.

Cyrus closed the journal before trying to go back to sleep.

2:27 a.m.

*The next day at school*

Cyrus carried his journal along with some other books, stopping at his locker.

"Hey dork,"Someone screamed slapping the books out of his hold.

Reed stood in front of him and Cyrus noticed his journal had fallen open on the ground.

"What do we have here,"Reed smirked leaning down to pick up the journal.

Cyrus lunged for the journal but some of Reed's posse pinned him against the lockers.

Reed flipped through the pages of the book, reacting to some of them.

"Well, look at that. The most recent entry,"Reed said.

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