Don't Touch Him *Tyrus*

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*warning. Homophobic slurs used*

Cyrus sat in his seat in science. He suddenly felt someone kick the back of his seat hard, not only that but the foot kicked his rear.

He yelped slightly but tried to cover it up like it was a sneeze.

He knew what that kick meant. It meant that Reed was going to torture him yet again.

After class Cyrus saw Reed and his posse waiting by the door.

He knew he could try to run but that wouldn't help.

He walked quickly out of the room and started speed walking down the hallway.

"Where are you going Goodman. We didn't have a chance to chat,"Reed said causing Cyrus to turn around.

Reed's friends grabbed Cyrus and held him up against the lockers.

The hallways had cleared out, the bell already rung.

Reed's fist collided with Cyrus and then Cyrus fell to the ground.

"This isn't a place for fags like you,"Reed spat kicking Cyrus' side.

Cyrus yelped out again.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy what I did in science,"Reed said,"Gayman."

All of a sudden Reed's posse bolted down the hallway, Reed confused, he turned around.

TJ was bolting towards Reed and immeadiatly tackled Reed to the ground.

TJ punched Reed in the face repeatedly, shouting at him.

"Don't touch him. Don't you ever touch him,"TJ screamed.

Cyrus scrambled over to TJ grabbing his fist.

Blood from Reed's nose covered TJ's knuckles.

Principal Medcalf raced down the hallway with a teacher.

Medcalf pulled TJ away from Reed.

"You three, my office, now,"Medcalf yelled.

The nurse bandaged Reed up and gave Cyrus ice for his eye before the three sat infront of Medcalf.

"What happened,"Medcalf asked.

"Well I was just,"Reed started but Medcalf cut him off.

"Cyrus, you first,"Medcalf said looking at Cyrus.

"I-I was just trying to leave class. Reed and his friends grabbed me and punched me. Then I was on the ground and they were kicking me. And they called me names. The others ran off and that's when TJ came in. He started hitting Reed and I tried to stop them,"Cyrus explained.

"Okay, now Reed. Please explain what happened,"Medcalf asked.

"I was just trying to help Cyrus off of the ground after he fell down. Then all of a sudden TJ is punching me,"Reed said.

"That's bullshit,"TJ said glaring at Reed.

"Langauge, Mr. Kippen,"Medcalf said,"Why don't you explain what you saw."

"I was worried when Cyrus wasn't in math, so I took a pass and walked around looking for him. That's when I saw Cyrus on the floor with Reed punching and kicking him. Some of them ran off and I tackled Reed. It was all I could do to get him away from Cyrus. Then he was struggling and trying to hit me so I started fighting him,"TJ said.

"This was unacceptable behavior. I will check security cameras but for now, TJ, you are suspended for a week. Reed you are suspended for 2 days,"Medcalf said.

"But that's unfair. Reed was kicking and punching Cyrus,"TJ complained.

"I have to go by what I saw Mr. Kippen. When we get farther information punishments may be placed. Now I want all of you to call your parents,"Medcalf said.

*The next day*

"It's okay guys. TJ was just trying to protect me,"Cyrus said.

"He beat somebody up Cyrus,"Buffy exclaimed over the phone.

"For me Buffy. I'm at his house now, So I have to go,"Cyrus said.

"Okay Cyrus, be careful,"Andi said.

Cyrus hung up and walked onto TJ's porch. He knocked on the door.

"Hey Cy, come on in,"TJ said motioning into the house.

Cyrus smiled and plopped onto the couch.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing,"Cyrus said.

"I'm fine Cy,"TJ said,"But, I do want to know if you're alright. Reed was such a jerk and I'll make him pay."

"TJ, please don't,"Cyrus said.

"What did he say to you. What did he call you,"TJ asked.

"It doesn't matter TJ,"Cyrus said.

"Yes It does. It matters to me Cy. What did he call you,"TJ asked.

"He-He called me a fag,"Cyrus stuttered.

His eyes began to water and he hugged himself to TJ's chest.

TJ rubbed Cyrus' back pulling him into a loving hug. 

"Cyrus,"TJ said pulling Cyrus to look at him,"There is nothing wrong with you."

"I-I should go,"Cyrus said starting to stand up.

"Why,"TJ asked grabbing Cyrus' arm.

"Because you- you,"Cyrus started.

"I what,"TJ asked.

"You make me want to kiss you,"Cyrus blurted,"And I know that that'll never happen."

"Cyrus,"TJ said,"I meant what I said. There's nothing wrong with who you are. Just like you said to me."

Cyrus turned back to TJ.

"Cyrus,"TJ said.

"You make me want to kiss you. The way you smirk and smile. And the way you run your hand through your hair,"Cyrus said blushing.

"Well, you know what I find attractive about you,"TJ asked causing Cyrus' eyes to widen.

"The way you always blush when anything gets you flustered. And the way you smile all the time. You have the most amazing smile,"TJ said.

"So you beat up Reed, because you hated that he was hurting me. And you want to protect me by knowing what he said,"Cyrus asked.

TJ nodded.

"Let's say that maybe I need you to protect me right now,"Cyrus said.

"From what,"TJ asked.

"Getting lost in your eyes,"Cyrus said.

"I can't do that,"TJ said,"But I can do this."

TJ grabbed Cyrus' hand and kissed him.

"But-but-but,"Cyrus stuttered when they pulled away.

"Suprise,"TJ smiled,"I'm gay."

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