Jealousy Runs In The Family *Tyrus*

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TJ had the best idea for his and Cyrus'  Halloween costume.

He owed it for his major mess up on costume day.

They were finally officially a couple, and a couple who shared a love of the show Riverdale.

He thought they could be Kevin and Moose from the show.

Kevin was the musical theatre loving, out and proud gay kid while Moose was the in the closet bisexual jock.

TJ ran up to Cyrus at his locker.

"I came up with a great couples costume for us to do,"TJ said,"We can be Kevin and Moose from Riverdale!"

Cyrus looked down.

"What's wrong,"TJ asked,"Don't you like my costume idea?"

"I do Teej, but Andi, Buffy, and I have always done a costume and we're going as the witches in Macbeth,"Cyrus said.

TJ's excitement fell as jealousy overcame him.

TJ walked into his house angry from the days events.

He had had a great idea for a cute costume to do with his boyfriend but Cyrus had to do a costume with his friends.

He found Amber sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, eating icecream angrily.

TJ was in trouble.

This could be one of three scenarios.
1) Amber was on her menstrual cycle(approach with caution)
2) Amber had just been dumped(unlikely since Andi and her had been doing great)
3) Amber had one of her ultra-bad days(happened rarely)
4) An entirely new scenario TJ had never faced before

"Amber,"TJ said calmly,"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Not unless you can talk my girlfriend out of doing some stupid costume with her friends instead of me,"Amber growled.

"I know right. Cyrus told me today and I don't think it's fair that they keep doing costumes without us,"TJ said.

"I'm sure Marty is upset too. He had a great idea for him and Buffy,"Amber said.

"I had a great idea for me and Cyrus. Now I don't know what to do,"TJ said.

The two sat there, angry and jealous, planning their next move.

"Andi, Buffy,"Cyrus said,"I told TJ that I was doing a costume with you guys like we always do and he seemed really upset."

"I told Marty and he was upset,"Buffy said,"Which surprised me coming from him."

"Amber was upset too,"Andi said.

"Do you think they're jealous because we're doing a costume and they don't get to do it with us,"Buffy asked.

"Yeah,"Cyrus said,"I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason TJ's been avoiding me."

"Maybe it's time we don't do a costume. We owe it to them don't we,"Andi said.

The three nodded.

"I will miss having a photo in the scrapbook of the three of us together in costume,"Cyrus said.

"Yeah, like the year we went as the three musketeers,"Buffy said.

"Or when we were the aristocrats,"Cyrus said,"I will never forget the fact that Andi wore a big pink bow and you carried around a toy piano."

"Don't forget your paint Toulouse,"Buffy mocked him.

"What if that didn't have to end,"Andi said.

"Huh,"Cyrus and Buffy both said.

"What if we all did one big group costume. All six of us,"Andi said.

"What about Walker and Jonah,"Cyrus asked.

"I talked to them and Walker already had a couple costume planned out that they both like,"Buffy said.

"Okay, well what group costume has six people in it, six people that all relate to us a little,"Cyrus asked.

Cyrus ran up to TJ at his locker hugging him from behind.

"Hey Teej,"Cyrus said.

"Hi Cyrus,"TJ said.

"Have you been avoiding me,"Cyrus asked.

"No, why would you say that,"TJ asked.

"Because I haven't told you I love you since Monday and it's Thursday,"Cyrus said.

"I've just been busy that's all,"TJ said,"And I'm sure you're busy with Buffy and Andi."

"I know you're upset about Halloween Teej,"Cyrus said.

"I'm fine,"TJ said,"Amber on the other hand, is not."

"Well, Buffy, Andi, and I came up with a solution,"Cyrus said,"One big costume we all can do."

The group walked.into.the party in their costume.

They had all gotten different animal onesies and then attached giant TY tags to them selves.

Amber was a pink unicorn and pulled Andi in her hamster costume towards the dance floor.

Marty the lion pulled Buffy the Tiger to get snacks.

TJ wrapped himself around Cyrus.

"You're the cutest dinosaur ever,"He said to Cyrus looking at the costume.

"And you're the cutest bear,"Cyrus said turning around to hug him.

The party was fun, Jonah and Walker had gone as Seamus and Dean from Harry Potter, two characters they claimed were definitely gay.

TJ found Cyrus' bright green body very easily in the crowd, Cyrus standing with some people.

He snuck up behind the boy and wrapped his arms around him lifting him up before putting him down again.

"TJ,"Cyrus helped before turning around blushing.

"Hi cutie,"TJ said.

Cyrus blushed even more.

"So this is the TJ we've heard so much about,"A guy said.

He was wearing some khaki pants, a green button down, glasses, and his hair was very short and dark brown.

He stood next to a blonde girl who wore a bluish green floral print dress and boots.

"Yeah, I'm TJ,"TJ said throwing an arm over Cyrus,"Cy, care to introduce me?"

"These are some of the people from the film club,"Cyrus said,"This is Jack, Emily, and Lea."

Jack was the boy that had talked, the blonde girl was Emily(not intentionally Emily Skinner).

TJ turned to the last girl.

She wore a black, long sleeved, lace dress, fishnet tights, black boots, and he black hair was short and curled slightly, bangs over her forehead.

She had an old fashioned camera around her neck.

"What are your costumes,"TJ asked.

"Well, I'm Barbara from the Beetlejuice Musical and Jack is Adam,"Emily said.

"And I'm Lydia Deetz,"Lea said.

"Lea is perfect as Lydia. Her voice and everything,"Cyrus said.

"You're not jealous anymore are you,"Cyrus asked as he and TJ stepped outside.

"No, I'm glad you're doing a costume with me but I could've dealt with it if you wanted to do the costume with Buffy and Andi,"TJ said.

"I want to do a costume with you though. Buffy, Andi, and I just needed time to adjust. I think we should do a costume just the two of us next year,"Cyrus said.

"I have the perfect idea."

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