It's just a sprain *Muffy*

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Buffy was going on a run through her local park. 

She had moved to Salt Lake City to attend the college in the city. 

It was a while away from her hometown of Shadyside but she went home for the holidays to see her friends and family.

Cyrus was in San Francisco with TJ and Andi was with Amber in Denver.

She missed her best friends, but they all had places they wanted to go and things they wanted to accomplish. 

It was late afternoon and the park was basically empty. 

She was listening to music when her phone stopped playing. 

She pulled it out to check it, and found it was dead. 

She would have to finish her run without her music, stashing her phone and earbuds away. 

A few minutes later she was almost out fo the park when she heard someone calling her.

"Buffy, Buffy,"The voice called from behind her.

She recognized that voice, it was Marty. 

"Buffy,"Marty's voice called,"It's me, Marty."

She wasn't actually hearing Marty was she. 

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and tripped over something. 

She landed hard on the ground and cried out in pain. 

"Buffy,"Marty's voice shouted. 

A familiar figure appeared over her. 

"Buffy are you alright,"Marty asked. 

"My, my ankle,"Buffy said. 

Marty looked down to where Buffy had grabbed her left ankle. 

"We need to get you to the emergency room,"Marty said. 

He lifted her up into his arms bridal style. 

Buffy winced as her ankle moved. 

"It's not far,"Marty said,"Just right down the street."

Marty carried her all the way there. 

Buffy was sitting on an examination table, her ankle wrapped in a brace. 

Marty sat in the chair next to her. 

Buffy could finally take a chance to look at him. 

He was taller, but his hair was exactly the same as it had been in high school. 

He had gained a little bit more muscle and was still fit. 

The doctor came back into the room. 

"You just have a bad sprain,"The doctor said to Buffy,"It could take up to three weeks to heal."

"Three weeks,"Buffy exclaimed,"It's basketball season and I have to..."

"You won't be able to play basketball until it heals entirely,"The doctor said,"If you do, you risk damaging your ankle more. You need to rest and keep the brace on until it heals. You should try to avoid moving as much as possible and use crutches when you do."

"Thank you doctor,"Marty said,"I'll take care of her."

"Good, then you're free to leave,"The doctor said, passing Buffy the crutches. 

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