Babysitter *Tyrus*

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Cyrus knocked on TJ's door and waited for it to open.

TJ opened the door, balancing a small child on his hip.

"Who's that TJ,"The little girl asked.

"Hey Cyrus,"TJ greeted.

"Who's this cutie,"Cyrus asked.

"This is my niece, Sadie,"TJ said,"Sadie say, 'Hi Cyrus'."

"Hi Cyrus,"The little girl said.

"Hi Sadie,"Cyrus said,"So are you watching her."

"And her brothers,"TJ said opening the door to reveal two little boys running around.

Cyrus stepped into the house TJ closing it behind him before setting Sadie on the ground.

"So, why are you the one watching them,"Cyrus asked.

"Well, my older sister Kelly really wanted to go have a night with her husband. Amber's at work, as is my mom,"TJ stated.

"I didn't know you had another sister,"Cyrus said,"Or nieces and nephews."

"Yeah, she doesn't live here but she's visiting,"TJ said.

"TJ, TJ,"Sadie whined tugging on his hand.

"Do you need help,"Cyrus asked.

"I couldn't ask you to,"TJ started but was cut off by Sadie.

"Will you give me a piggy back ride,"Sadie asked Cyrus.

Cyrus lifted her up and onto his back.

"Whee,"Sadie squeezed as Cyrus walked around the living room.

"Okay, Cyrus this is Taylor and Jasper. They're all triplets,"TJ said.

"Hi guys, I'm Cyrus,"Cyrus greeted.

After a while of playing, Sadie, Jasper, and Taylor all sat on the ground on pillows and blankets watching a movie.

Cyrus and TJ sat exhausted on the couch.

"Thanks for helping me out today,"TJ said.

"No problem. I couldn't say no to that adorable face,"Cyrus said.

"Sadie can be pretty persuasive,"TJ said.

"I was talking about you,"Cyrus said.

TJ blushed before asking,"You think I'm adorable?"

"Yeah,"Cyrus said,"But I was kinda hoping you'd respond,'thanks, I think you're adorable too'."

"How about this,"TJ said,"I think you are really cute."

"That works,"Cyrus said turning back to the movie. TJ threw his arm over Cyrus' shoulders.

Sadie crawled up from the floor and sat in between the two boys.

"Are you two dating,"Sadie asked.

"No, why would you think that,"TJ asked.

Cyrus was blushing furiously.

"Well, you have your arm around him and you seemed really happy to see him,"Sadie stated.

"TJ and I are good friends,"Cyrus stated.

"Okay but how about dating. Alot of friends become couples you know,"Sadie stated.

"And where did you learn all of this,"TJ asked.

"The movie,"Sadie pointed to the screen where Beauty and the Beast played.

"Really,"Cyrus asked.

"Yeah, Belle and the Beast start out as friends but then they love each other. And at the end of the movie when all of the couples are dancing two guys fall in love with each other,"Sadie stated.

TJ and Cyrus looked at each other blushing.

"Hey guys, I'm home,"Amber said coming through the door.

"Auntie Amber,"The three kids yelled running to greet her.

TJ paused the movie as he and Cyrus stood up and walked over.

"What did you guys do all day,"Amber asked.

"Uncle TJ let us run around the house before watching a movie,"Jasper said.

"And we got to eat icecream,"Taylor added.

"And we got to hang out with TJ's boyfriend,"Sadie finished.

Amber looked up to the boys.

"Boyfriend,"She asked.

The kids went back to the movie while Amber led Cyrus and TJ into the kitchen.

"Are you guys finally dating,"Amber asked.

"No, Sadie just assumed we were,"TJ said.

"Well, she's right. You two would make an adorable couple,"Amber stated.

Cyrus blushed even harder looking down.

"Cyrus,"TJ asked quickly,"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Cyrus looked up and nodded quickly.

TJ pulled Cyrus into a hug, kissing his forehead.

"Yay,"Amber cheered.

TJ blushed wrapping his arm back around Cyrus.

The front door opened again.

"Mommy, daddy,"The kids yelled running out of the living room again.

The group entered the kitchen with a man and woman.

"Hey TJ, thanks again,"The woman said.

"No problem Kelly,"TJ said,"And I had some help."

"Yeah mom, Cyrus was super cool and gave us piggy back rides,"Jasper said.

"And they let us all have icecream,"Taylor exclaimed again.

"So Cyrus,"Kelly asked.

"Yeah,"Cyrus said.

"Thanks for helping TJ. I'm sure he was overwhelmed,"Kelly stated.

"I was not. I was doing just fine,"TJ said.

"He practically begged me for help,"Cyrus said.

"I did not,"TJ said.

"You did to,"Cyrus said.

Sadie walked up in front of TJ.

"You did to. You should listen to your boyfriend,"Sadie stated crossing her arms.

TJ blushed immeadiatly.

"So, Cyrus is your boyfriend,"Kelly's husband said.

"I know, it's so exciting,"Amber said.

"Wait, he actually is your boyfriend,"Sadie exclaimed looking at TJ,"You lied to me?"

"No, Sadie it just happened a few minutes ago,"TJ said.

"Sadie, you were the one that helped them realize their feelings for one another,"Amber said.

"Yay,"Sadie cheered running tho hug TJ.

"Thanks Sadie,"TJ said.

"Can uncle TJ and uncle Cyrus babysit me more often,"Sadie asked her mom.

"And us,"The two boys exclaimed.

"You guys know we don't live here'"Kelly said.

"Oh,"Sadie said.

"Hey, whenever you're here Cyrus can come say hi,"TJ said.

"Okay,"Sadie said moving to hug Cyrus.

Cyrus looked at TJ who smiled.

He had the most amazing boyfriend.

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