The Usual *Tyrus*

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Cyrus sat in geography class.

He hated this class.

Why? Well,

1)He didn't understand it or why he needed to learn it

2)It was his last class so it always seemed to take the longest.

3) It kept him from getting to his favorite coffee shop.

No, the coffee shop didn't close early.

He liked to go everyday at the same time for a certain someone who was on shift.

He watched the clock tick anxiously until it finally rang.

He was the first out of the room followed by a lot of college students.

He quickly made his way through the campus and into the coffee shop, Beanie's.

He sat down at the table he always sat it, in a corner where he could easily hide away.

He pulled out his laptop, and some of his books, even though he had no intention of working.

"Hi, do you want your usual,"Someone said, and Cyrus immeadiatly looked up.

It was him.


"Umm, yeah. That'd be great, thanks,"Cyrus responded.

"Okay, it'll be out in a few minutes,"TJ responded, walking away.

Cyrus smiled, watching over the top of his computer as TJ prepared his coffee and then brought it over.

"Thanks,"Cyrus said.

"No problem, if you need anything else just let me know,"TJ said.

Cyrus nodded.

"Your usual, right,"TJ asked the next day as Cyrus sat down at his table.

Cyrus nodded.

"Hey, welcome back, I've got your usual already ready,"TJ said handing Cyrus his coffee.

Day after say this happened, Cyrus still hadn't even gotten to know TJ, yet he was madly in love with him.

"Hi, Welcome to Beanie's, how may I help you,"A voice said as Cyrus walked in.

He didn't see TJ.

This was the around the normal time he always came in and he knew TJ'S shift was still going.

"Hi, um. Do you know where TJ is,"Cyrus asked the woman behind the counter.

"Oh, his shift schedule changed because of a class he's in. But I can help you with whatever you need,The woman said.

"Thanks,"Cyrus said.

Cyrus stayed and drank his coffee but he was really disappointed he wouldn't be able to see TJ anymore.

He could find out what his new shift was but that would seem super creepy.

He walked out of the coffee shop with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hey, um, I just realized I don't know your name,"A voice called as Cyrus walked down the street.

Cyrus turned and found the smiling face of TJ.

"Oh um, Hi. I'm Cyrus,"Cyrus said nervously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stop you if you had to be somewhere,"TJ said.

"No, I'm not in a rush,"Cyrus said.

"Oh, good. I know you just got your normal coffee and stuff but I was wondering if maybe you would want to go out for coffee sometime,"TJ asked,"My shift is in between 5 pm and 7 pm but any other time works. If you wanted to go out that is."

"I would love to go out sometime," Cyrus said.

"Great,"TJ responded,"Can I have your phone number then so I can text you about times.?"

Cyrus nodded and gave TJ his number.

"Great, so um, I'll text you,"TJ said.

"Got it. Bye TJ,"Cyrus said.

"Bye Cyrus."

Andi Mack OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now